The Mission Begins

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Kiyomi's POV

Where is he? I thought as I sat all alone at a table in the ramen shop. There were two bowls of steaming hot, beef ramen in front of me, which was very tempting to eat. He wouldn't just blow me off like that... would he- just then I heard a voice which disturbed my thoughts.

"Sorry I'm a little bit late Kiyomi," Gaara began as he sat down in the chair across from me. "I had unexpected paper work to do before I came here."

"Gaara!" I said happily. "I was worried you weren't gonna show!" I said as I grabbed some chop sticks.

"Well I guess you don't have to worry." He said with a straight face.

"You know, you always seem so... I don't know... Mister calm and no emotion." I said the last part in my low, funny man voice.

"Huh?" He asked and looked up at me with a surprised look on his face as he held his chopsticks in one hand.

"Yeah... Like take yesterday for example!" I began as I swallowed the ramen that was in my mouth. "Yesterday, your sister teased you and you didn't get mad, or extremely embarrassed. If Rin did that to me, I'd bitch slap her all the way to Konoha!" I started laughing at the bitch slap part, and Gaara chuckled a bit as well.

"Well... That's just how I am." Gaara began. "Do you... Not like that about me?"

"NO I REALLY LIKE YOU!!!" I bursted out as I stood up and slammed one hand on the table while I reached out another hand to gesture kindness. I then shrank a bit and grew red as Gaara looked at me with a strange face. "Well... What I mean is... Uh..." I began giggling as my face grew even brighter. "What I uh... Meant to say was... I don't hate that about you...." I then bowed my head and looked down at the table and began to laugh. "I should probably shut up." I then sat down and tried to smile to cover up my embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I understand what you meant." Gaara said. Somehow I didn't believe him, he probably thought I was just like any other fan girl of his.

"Well what I meant to say was..." I tried to think of what to say next. I like everything about you! No that's stupid that sounds even worse than what I just blurted out a minute ago. No, Gaara you see, that's what I like most about you! Hell no! Even worse, plus that wasn't exactly true I mean I really love his kanji and his soft wavy auburn hair and oh his beautiful greenish blue eyes- what the hell? Stop thinking that! "I just find it fascinating and interesting that you can do that. Not everyone can, you know." Perfect!

He chuckled. "I wasn't always like that. In case you didn't notice I smile and frown and grow worried just like any normal human."

"I heard when you were younger though like 12 years old, you always looked angry." I said. "Is that true?"

"Sadly, yes. Back then I was..." I could tell he was trying to choke down his shame and disappointment. "I was... Evil." He said as he looked down into his bowl of ramen, as if looking for a way out.

"Well you're a hero now!" I said trying to lift his spirits. "Hell, you're the freaken Kazekage!" He then laughed a bit. All he needed was something to bring him back to reality.

"Hey there you two love birds!" Naruto teased as he sat down beside Gaara. "Boy the ramen sure smells good!"

"Naruto..." Gaara said as he sank in his chair and sounded as if he were irritated. I could tell he enjoyed his company, but Naruto sometimes said things he should of thought more about.

"So Naruto, what brings you here?" I asked as I took a mouthful of ramen, ignoring his remark.

"Gaara didn't tell you yet?" Naruto asked, his voice going up an octave, which I found quite funny.

"No." I said as I looked to Gaara, puzzled.

"Well you wanna tell her Gaara?" Naruto said as he wrapped an arm around Gaara in a friendly gesture.

"Kiyomi, for our next mission, we will escort Naruto back to Konoha." Gaara said as he sat up straight.

My eyes grew wide and my jaw dropped. "Konoha..." I whispered. I'd never been to any other village before. This was going to be great! "No way!" I said as shoved more ramen in my mouth. "I've never been out of Suna before!" I exclaimed with a mouth full of ramen.

"What?" Gaara asked, probably because he couldn't understand what I said.

I choked down my ramen, and cleared my throat. "I've never been out of Suna before." I repeated. "Not once in my life."

"WHAT!!!" Naruto screeched as he stood up. I couldn't believe he was that surprised. "You've never left your own village?"

"No..." I said, as I shrank under his gaze. I grew a little red and turned my head. Just then I gasped in shock as I heard Gaara speak.

"Don't pick on her Naruto." Gaara scolded. "She can't help it she has never left the village, and that is why she is coming with us."

"Oo Gaara defending your girlfriend?" Naruto mused with that strange voice he had. I started growing impatient with this ninja, and finally snapped.

"Let's go!" I said as I shot up from my seat. "The sooner we leave, the sooner Naruto is gone."

"Hey!" He said as he glared at me.

I just snickered. "Just kidding Naruto." I then giggled and looked to Gaara. "Come on, let's go."

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