Hideo Tanaka

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"Are you sure he is here?" Kankurō asked as we approached the entrance.

"It seems pretty deserted if you ask me." Rin said as she looked around.

"I know he is here. I feel it in my bones, in my blood, and in my heart." I said as I walked in. Rin was right, it was pretty empty around here, but I knew Hideo was hiding where the Tanaka clan used to thrive... Where I used to live.

"Ok so should we stick together, or spread out?" Kankurō asked as he took his puppet off his back and leaned up against it.

"We should stay together." I answered. "Hideo is powerful and has a kekkei genkai like mine. He controls sand just like me and Gaara. He could crush you and your insides, so it's best we stay together."

"How do you know this man who took Gaara!?" Temari shouted in my face. "Do you work for him? You're just luring us into a trap aren't you!? You just want to kill us along with Gaara!"

"That's not it at all..." I whispered as I bowed my head. I was a bit offended Temari thought all those things. I thought we were friends? "Hideo was my father..." I replied and rose my head. "My clan was killed and my father was supposedly dead... I guess he was a survivor like I was."

Temari backed away and her face changed from rage to sympathy. "I'm sorry Kiyomi, I didn't know."

"It's fine. All that mattered is getting Gaara back... You said you had the note this morning and it took us a few hours to get here so I assume we have 67 hours left to get him back."

They all nodded as they looked to me. "When we find Hideo we must fight him and kill him. He will try to kill you and if you mess up, he will probably kill Gaara."

"Ok let's go!" Kankurō shouted as he put his puppet back on his back.

I narrowed my eyes and gritted my teeth as I clenched my fists. I felt my adrenaline flow through my veins, and I felt the rage. I was ready to kill my beloved father.

Gaara's POV....

I opened my eyes and shook my head, feeling a bit drowsy. I felt an aching pain in my head as if someone punched me and I was knocked out. I tried moving my arms so I could rub my head, but struggled. I looked down and saw myself wrapped in chakra strings. "What the?"

"Well good after noon, Kazekage!" I heard a voice. A man said as he approached me. He had dark spiked hair like Naruto's, and had several scars covering his body. His right arm looked limp. He wore dark pants that went to his knees, and his legs below his knees were covered in white bandaging. He wore dark ninja sandals that went up to his ankles, and he had a white sash around his hips and across his torso. He wore no shirt, and his torso looked battered, and was covered in stitches, holes, and scars. The strange man had a menacing smile as he kneeled down in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked, as I struggled to get loose from the strings.

"Oh, I don't think you're ready to know my name yet." He chuckled.

"You're the man who set out the chakra net. You wanted to capture me all along!" I exclaimed.

"A smart one! Why yes, I am. Brilliant, you agree?"

"Yes, but if you don't mind me asking, why me?"

"Because, you were the one who killed off my clan Gaara of the Desert." He replied as he stood up. "You nearly killed me, but luckily I received help from a medical ninja. I left this village and when I found out about you and that Tanaka girl hanging out, I decided to kill the man who murdered my clan."

"You're a Tanaka..." I said quietly.

"Bright young man I see! Why yes, I am a Tanaka. In fact I was the Tanaka leader!" The strange man exclaimed.

I gritted my teeth as I tried to untie myself. "I didn't mean to kill you... I was just following the orders of my father." I replied.

"Ah yes, your father. I absolutely hated him. I remember growing up with him."

"Look I don't care about your rivalry with my father, just let me go!" I shouted.

"Well that wasn't very nice..." The man said as he turned to face the door. "If I were you I would watch what I say." He continued as he lifted his arms. Sand rose from the floor, and turned into rock hard needles. He was about to throw them at me when someone bursted into the house... Or when a group of people bursted into the house...

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