Gosh Naruto...

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When Gaara and I had came back to the village, We headed for the ramen shop.

"I'll pay." Gaara said as we entered the shop.

"You'll have to silly! I'm broke, remember?" I said as I ruffled his auburn hair. He chuckled as we walked up to the counter and sat down.

"Why if it isn't the Kazekage!" The shop owner said as he greeted Gaara.

"Two bowls of ramen please." Gaara said as he handed the shop owner some money he must of had in his pocket.

"Can mine be beef ramen Gaara Sama?" I asked as I looked to him and smiled.

"You know, you are a lot like Naruto?" Gaara said as he smiled at me. "Both beef ramen, please."

"Anything for the Kazekage!" The shop owner said as he smiled at Gaara and then went back to cooking the ramen.

"You think I'm like that Naruto kid, The knuckle head ninja?" I asked in a high pitch voice. I was a bit surprised he was comparing me to Naruto.

A smirk grew on Gaara's face. "Yeah, you love ramen, and are just so..."

"Awesome?" I said with a grin, knowing I was right.

"I was gonna say different." Gaara said as he stared at the bowls of ramen.

"Here ya go Kazekage Gaara! Two bowls of beef ramen!" The shop owner said with a smile. "Enjoy!"

"Oh boy! Ramen! I haven't had ramen since..." I said all excited but then my excitement faded as I remembered the dark night. It all seemed like a nightmare.

"Since what?" Gaara asked as he took out some chopsticks, and snapped them apart from each other.

"Since... My entire clan mysteriously disappeared." I said as I started to stare at my ramen. "I... I'm the only survivor of my clan."

"Oh." Gaara said with sympathy. "I apologize for bringing it up." I looked into his eyes. They were more like huge green orbs. I also noticed how dark the outlining of his eyes were. He then noticed me looking into his eyes, and I quickly pulled my gaze away.

"No it's fine." I said as I started eating my ramen, as my demeanor changed from a happy, excited, and hyper girl to a calm, quiet new person . "Mmmmm ramen sure is good here!" I said trying to change the subject and forget about my loss.

"Did I hear someone say ramen!" I heard a familiar voice enter the shop.

"Naruto." Gaara said as he turned to see Naruto take a seat next to him. I could tell Gaara was just as surprised as I was!

"I'll have a bowl of your best pork ramen please!" Naruto said as he waved his money in the air and handed it to the shop owner.

"What are you doing here?" Gaara asked as he ate his ramen slowly, and neatly.

"To get ramen! Duh!" Naruto said as he gawked at our bowls of ramen. I heard Naruto's stomach grumble and it made me laugh a bit. Walking for three days must of made him hungry.

I chuckled. "So Gaara, why did you wanna treat me to some ramen?" I came as I was a little curious.

"Because he loves you!" Naruto said as he looked at Gaara funny and elbowed him in the ribs.

Just then Gaara choked on his ramen. He coughed, and pounded on his chest to clear his throat. I could tell That caught him off guard. "Naruto!" He said angrily.I just sat there and blushed.

"Just joking around Gaara! Jeez do I have to save your life again?" Naruto said as he watched the shop owner bring him his ramen. Just then Naruto turned to look at me! "Are you blushing Kiyomi?

Just then I stopped eating and turned bright red. "What? Psh! No!" I said as I set my chopsticks down. I couldn't believe he could see me blushing! It seemed so crazy.

Naruto started laughing. "No way! You totally were!" I could tell he was enjoying this moment. I growled and grew very irritated at Naruto's witty remarks. "Gaara and Kiyomi sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g..." Naruto began to sing.

"Oh god..." I said as I began to blush and covered my face with a hand. I began to grow very inpatient with this ninja.

"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage! That's not all! That's not all-" I then realized now was my chance.

"Kiyomi got mad and punched Naruto!" I shouted as I slammed my hands on the counter and gave Naruto an 'I'm gonna kill you if you don't stop!' look.

"If I were you Naruto, I'd keep quiet." Gaara warned Naruto as he finished his ramen and looked to him.

"I will!" Naruto said as I saw I struck fear in his face. This made me content and I quickly settled back down in my seat.

I snickered. "I'm just joking Naruto! Jeeze!" I giggled. I then saw Gaara shoot me a glance while Naruto was rambling on about everything that happened since last they met, and his past missions. I could tell he wanted Naruto to leave us alone, and I found that a bit funny.

I winked at Gaara and then something popped into that big head of mine... Gaara was right, I was like Naruto, the knuckle head ninja!

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