The Truth Behind the Love Kanji

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It was the day after my first mission with Gaara and Rin. I was walking with one of Garra's aids to the Kazekage mansion. Apparently Gaara called to speak to me alone. Considering we would be alone, I thought it must of been pretty important.

"So... you are the Kazekage's aid huh?" I asked trying to make small talk since I found this to be a very awkward moment.

"Yeah." He said as he lead the way. He was wearing a white bandana in his hair with the hidden sand village sign on it. he had spikey brown hair. and wore the usual hidden sand junin uniform. "So your'e the theif Kazekage Gaara wont stop talking about?"

When the ninja said that I grew bright red. I never expected Gaara to speak about me to his shinobi! "Gaara spoke of me?" I asked thinking it might of been about our mission yesturday.

"Yeah, he wont shut up about how you came up with that brilliant idea to find those lost chickens." The ninja said with a smile. "You know, those chickens get lost about once every week or so."

I laughed. "Yeah..." There was then a long and awkward silence. It felt like all eternity but we finally reached the mansion. "I dont remember the mansion seeming this far from my alley before..." I whispered.

The shinobi just ignored me and walked me into the mansion. I walked up the steps and to my surprise saw Gaara wasn't in the Kazekage's office. Just before I could ask where Gaara was, the ninja spoke. "Gaara should be up on the roof."

Why the hell is he on the fucking roof? I thought as I looked around the office I usually expected to see him standing by the window, gazing down upon his thriving village, or sitting at his desk filing paper work. I guess it just never accured to me that he could have some free time and decide to get some fresh air on the roof.

I then began up the steps that led to the roof and when I reached the top of the building, I spotted Gaara on the other side of the roof. "I see you came, Kiyomi." Gaara said as he just kept standing by the railing with his arms crossed.

I asumed he was watching all the people below, carriying out with their everyday lives. I guess Gaara never really had a normal life like the majority of the people of this village. "Yep! I mean why wouldn't I come?" I snickered. "Miss out on saying hi to the almighty and powerful Kazekage Gaara!"

I then walked up to Gaara and looked down at the people below. "Do you know why I called you?" Gaara asked as he kept his gaze on the streets of Suna.

"Actually I don't, your aid never told me. I was hoping you would tell me." I said with a smile as I faced him. He didn't turn around and just stood there.

"I came here to tell you the truth..." He continued.

"The truth about what???" I asked so very interested and confused.

"The truth behind my kanji you seemed so interested into." He said and finally looking at me through the corner of his eye. Slowly he straightened up and turned to face me.

"I thought you carved it yourself 'cause you just felt like it?" I said, remembering what he told me when we were walking back to the village.

"I did carve it myself but... it wasn't exactly because I felt like it." He said, and he seemed so depressed.

"Come on Gaara sama, you can tell me anything. It's fine." I said as I placed a hand on his back. I really hoped he would tell me. I could tell through his eyes that there was a sad and depressing story he had to tell.

"My... my uncle had raised me." He began. I could tell it was hard for him to tell me all this. "I had killed my mother when I was little, not intentionally but my father made me. I would hurt people but didn't mean to. I then had to fight my uncle, who accepted a mission from my father to kill me." tears then left his eyes and he looked to the ground. He didn't dare look me in the eyes.

"My uncle told me my mother never loved me... that she named me for her hatred towards this village. He said he never loved me and that he willingly accepted the mission." I could hear his soft sobbing. it was quiet but I knew he was miserable from his past. "He wrapped paper bombs around him and told me to die as he blew up. My sand protected me but my uncle had died. And that is why I have the kanji..." He finished and lifted his head a bit.

"Through the depression I used the sand to etch the love kanji onto my forehead... the thing I longed to feel in my life."

"And now you have it." I said as I tried to comfort him. "But... this isn't really what you wanted to tell me. I can tell you aren't telling me something."

"I... I told you everything." Gaara said as his eyes dried from the arid and hot air. I knew he wasn't telling me everything he had on his mind, but he seemed so depressed I didn't bother ask again.

"Can I tell you something?" I said as I looked at him, feeling bad I had caused him the trouble to tell me all this about the kanji I loved so much. "That story makes me just love your kanji even more!" I said with a smile. "But um... I can use sand like you." I said with a smile. I then lifted my hands and some sand left on the roof lifted into the air. I swirled it around giggling.

He looked at me, a bit happier. I then looked at him and dropped the sand which was right above my head, and which obviously fell all over my head. "Tada!" I said blushing. He looked at me with a tiny smile. I then saw some sand come out of that huge gourd of his he carried on his back.

It had formed into a cloud and he had hopped onto it and offered me a hand. "WOAH!!!" I shrieked as I covered my mouth. I was so astonished to see him levitate by using sand as a cloud. "Is... is it safe?" I asked as I looked up at him, but he just held out his hand.

"I'm sure." He said. I don't know what happened to me but I grabbed his hand, and he hauled me onto the giant sand cloud. "You might want to hold on." He said as he held on to me. I closed my eyes, and grew very tensed up as I held on tight to Gaara as we took off.

I was scared at first but then I opened my eyes and loosened my tight grip. It was beautiful flying above the city, and I knew that if I was with Gaara I was safe. I looked up and saw his beautiful green orbs looking ahead as we flew throught the sky I then smiled and tightened my grip once again. Not because I was scared but because I loved him.


I apolagize if this chapter was extremly boring. It was hard to think cuz I had a severe head ache so it was hard to think. And if I remember correctly I believe all this is actually true well I mean Gaara's past and how he got the love kanji.

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