Joy Ride

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Gaara's POV

It startled me a bit when Kiyomi wrapped her arms around me tight and buried her face into my rib cage. I looked down at her and saw her slowly tilt her head up and open her tightly shut eyes. I saw her clenched jaw loosen as the corner of her lips curved into small grin.

"It's so beautiful!" I heard her whisper to herself. I saw her look down and quickly tighten her grip on me again. I chuckled as I looked ahead.

"You get used to it after a while, don't worry." I said as I looked at her through the corner of my eye.

I could see she was starting to grow a little more fond of the ride. Her eyes widened as we flew high above the streets and dodged the many towering buildings ahead. Just out of the corner of my eye I saw Kiyomi hunch over and leap off the cloud.

I gasped wondering what was going on and what I should do. "KIYOMI!!!"

"What Gaara Sama?" I heard her voice as I saw her rise up to my level with a sand cloud of her own. I looked at her in astonishment. She was sitting cross legged on the cloud with a huge smile. I glanced at her and then the sand cloud she was riding and then back at her. "You're not the only person in Suna who can control sand you know!"

I was speechless. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Come on Gaara I'll race ya!" She shouted as she shot up and quickly took off. I knew this was childish but it didn't hurt to have fun every once in a while.

I followed her as she did many fancy tricks of her own. I finally was just inches away from her when she looked to me. "First person back to the Kazekage's mansion wins!" She shouted and gained even more speed. I gritted my teeth as a small grin crossed my face.

I watched as she dodged many clothing lines and bars by jumping on them. She did many acrobatic tricks like forward hand springs and flips. She then landed on a long rock pole and ran to the tip and jumped off. She finally landed on the cloud and stood upright. She then looked back at me. As I caught up as I flew above the obstacles.

"I thought this was a race, not a skill competition!" I called out as I flew right up to her. I could see the mansion off in the distance.

"It is, but there's nothing wrong with showing off!" She snickered as I could tell she couldn't go much faster. We were a few miles away when Kiyomi and I were neck and neck. A split second later, Kiyomi leaped off her cloud and landed on my cloud right in front of me.

She then stood aside a bit so I could see and she wrapped her arms just below my shoulders and rested her head on my shoulder. Her long blond hair flowed down and was at my mid thighs. I looked to her and blushed a bit. I then slowed down a lot. "Um... What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just I know when I can't win a fight or race. It was a smart decision to just admit defeat." She said and opened her eyes to look up at me. She lifted her head and locked arms with me while I still had my arms crossed. She then shot me a smile. "Why don't we just have a bit of a joyride now?"

I nodded my head as we both looked ahead, the brightness in my cheeks beginning to fade. I turned to look at her and noticed her bright blue eyes, sparkle.

We rode on for about 5 more minutes when we finally reached the mansion. She leaped off the cloud gracefully, and I did the same. I watched as the sand fell onto the floor and became lifeless once again.

"That was the most fun I had ever had Gaara Sama!" Kiyomi said as she looked at me with happiness.

I chuckled aloud. "You can just call me Gaara." I said with a grin. I found it a bit cute how she always called me Gaara Sama.

"What ever you say Gaara!" Kiyomi said and giggled. It was high pitched and seemed like any normal teenage girl laugh.

"GAARA!!!" I heard Temari scold as she walked up to me. She looked mad at me and I could tell I was in trouble. "Where were you? Your brother and I were worried!"

"It's fine, Temari, I just went for a ride around the village with Kiyomi." I answered calmly. I could tell Kiyomi found this a bit strange.

"You should let us know next time," she started. "We were just about to send a search party after you!"

"I understand it was irresponsible of me to leave without informing you and Kankurō." I said looking at my sister. "It won't happen again."

"Ok," Temari said as she nodded her head. She turned on her heels and took a step as she was just about to leave, but turned her head and look at Kiyomi. I saw a smile cross her face. "Good catch Gaara!" She snickered.

I gasped as I grew bright red once again, and took a step back. "WHAT!?" I said with wide eyes and an astonished expression on my face. I saw Kiyomi standing there covering her mouth as she laughed so hard. I saw her cry, from laughing so hard.

I watched as Temari left and went back down into the mansion as Kiyomi and I stood on the roof. "Well, I better get going before Rin gets too worried." Kiyomi said as she rubbed her other arm that laid at her side.

She walked up to me with a smile and gave me a huge hug. "We should hang out again sometime soon!" She said as she laid her head on my chest for a moment. I could feel her heartbeat which was slow and steady. I could feel her light breath on my neck as well. "Bye Gaara..." She whispered as she slowly straightened up and turned to leave.

She walked up to the railing of the roof behind me and lifted her arms. I watched as sand rose up in a cloud just big enough for her to sit and ride. She was about to climb onto the railing until I stopped her.

"Kiyomi wait!" I said as I reached out a hand.

"Huh?" She said ever so quietly.

"Meet me by the ramen shop tomorrow, we have a new mission. I think you'll enjoy it." I said. "Want to go?"

She had a huge toothy smile and I could see she had perfectly white and straight teeth. "I'll be there!" She said. "Bye Gaara!" She shouted and then she leapt onto the cloud. I walked up to the railing she was standing by just a second ago and watched as she rode off into the village. I then noticed my heart was racing, and I had a strange feeling in my gut.

I then noticed this emotion I had, I noticed it was... Love. A tear came to my eye, because I knew this feeling towards her means telling her about her clan would only be that much harder and emotional.

Just a common thief (Gaara love story)Where stories live. Discover now