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"WE NEED to talk," Freya said, standing in front of the desk of her current employer — Marcus Wells, a sleazy crime lord with no moral compass to speak of

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"WE NEED to talk," Freya said, standing in front of the desk of her current employer — Marcus Wells, a sleazy crime lord with no moral compass to speak of. Marcus leaned back in his chair, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "You know my rules, Wells. Women and children are off limits." She said sharply, her words like knives, poised and ready to strike.

"Yes, I'm familiar with your 'rules.' What of them?" Marcus asked, staring back at Freya with an indifferent look on his face.

"Tell me," Freya said lowly, taking a step further so the front of her legs were touching the desk now. Her shadow from the fluorescent lights covered Marcus now, and her eyes flashed a brilliant orange for the briefest of moments. "Tell me why, when I got to the address you had given me, I only found a woman and her two year old daughter inside?" She asked, eyes narrowing dangerously.

"That woman's husband owes me some money. I need to send a message." Marcus said with a small shrug, as if it were an obvious decision.

"I don't give a fuck if some man owes you money! His wife, and daughter are off limits! If you so much as even as even look at them again, I will know, I will find you, and I will remove your head from your shoulders." Freya warned, the lights in the building flickering ominously.

"If you refuse, I will simply dispose of you, and move on to the next." Marcus said, and with a wave of his hand, four of his guards stepped closer to surround Freya.

"You can certainly try." Freya said, a smirk slowly making its way onto her lips. Her hand reached down for the buckle of her belt, grabbing a thick, circular piece from the buckle and pressing it. A black handle sprang from it, the button on the bottom now barely noticeable. Quickly, Freya pulled the belt loose from around her waist, the pieces of the blade clicking together, and connecting into a katana, electricity thrumming through it for a moment. All at once, the guards jolted forwards at Freya.

With a swift swing of her katana, she easily cut through a man's throat, the first guard falling to the ground dead. The lights in the ceiling flickered again, before exploding in a flurry of sparks, making two of the three remaining guards flinch in surprise. The second guard, and the only one not phased by the spark, attempted to grab Freya, only to be electrocuted violently. His body convulsed as it collapsed to the floor, the skin of his left arm singed, and burnt away in places. The smell of burning, and singed flesh filled the room, but Freya has become so blasé to it, she barely noticed.

The third guard, a woman with a long blonde ponytail, rushed towards Freya. She swung towards Freya with her fist, to which the metahuman dodged. The woman stumbled past Freya, who grabbed her hair, yanking the woman back harshly by it. Stabbing the woman through the back with her katana, Freya heard the fourth guard cock his gun, ready and aimed towards her. The guard fired off a shot, and in one swift movement, Freya pulled her sword from the woman, spinning on her heel and holding her sword up, deflecting the bullet which ricocheted into the last guards forehead.

"I warned you." Freya said menacingly, stepping in front of Marcus Wells' desk, the man now shaking with fear. Freya took a brief moment to appreciate his fear, before she lifted her sword. With one swift blow, his head dropped to the ground, blood quickly pooling onto the floor. Wiping the blood of her sword off on the dead man's suit jacket, Freya pressed the button the bottom of her katana's grip, the handle disappearing into the flat piece of metal again. Clicking the belt back around her waist, Freya looked around the room at the mess she had made. "Shit," She muttered, leaning down to pick up a briefcase sat behind the desk, full of what was supposed to be her payment. Turning quickly, Freya carried suitcase with her as she exited the empty warehouse in Starling City.

"Kitsune!" A deep voice called, making Freya's head shoot up in mild surprise. Freya was met with the face of the Green Arrow, making her pause, her surprise subsiding, replaced with amusement. "It's over. I'm bringing you in." Lightning cracked in the night sky as the Arrow held up his bow, an arrow at the ready. Freya gently placed the briefcase down on the ground, tilting her head slightly at the Green Arrow.

"Aren't you tired of this whole cat and mouse game we've got going on, Oliver?" Freya asked, watching the man's eyes narrow beneath the green mask he wore. His mouth twitched into an even deeper scowl, if that was possible. "Don't be so surprised that I know who you are. It wasn't super hard to piece it together. Besides, I've known for a while, and haven't come knocking on your door. I don't really care that much." Freya said with a shrug — and it was the truth. She didn't care what Oliver Queen got up to in his personal life. She had nothing personally against the Green Arrow, she actually respected him.

"I'm bringing you in." He said, completely ignoring her previous statements. Freya sighed, nodding a bit, expecting this. She did not expect, however, when he released an arrow, that latched onto her belt and ripped it away from her. Electricity crackled through the air as Freya glared, orange energy flowing around her. She may respect the man, but she really liked her katana.

Suddenly, cuffs clasped themselves around her wrists, making Freya thrash around in surprise. A woman with dark skin, and a no-nonsense face stepped into her view, staring the metahuman down.

"After years, we've finally got you, Freya Yukimura. I have to say, you're not easy to get ahold of." The woman said, sounding a little pleased with herself. Freya shrugged half heartedly.

"You could've just asked for me." She joked, but the woman's face stayed blank before she turned, facing the Green Arrow.

"Thank you for your help, you can go." She commanded him. Hesitantly, the Arrow nodded, taking a step back. Freya turned her head to look at him before they began to lead her away.

"Hey, Queen!" She called, and his gaze lifted to meet her eyes. She gestured him over with her head, and he hesitantly come closer. "In my front pocket is a piece of paper with an address on it. A woman and her daughter live there. Give that briefcase to them." The Arrow stared at her, and for a moment, Freya thought he was going to ignore what she said, before he began moving. He quickly reached into the front pocket of her jeans, pulling out the slip of paper, before backing off. Freya saw him grab the suitcase before she was pulled away, and led to the back of a large transportation vehicle.

Sitting on the bench, Freya looked down at the heavy cuffs around her wrists. They were clunky, and hurt a bit, but not enough to bruise. Her attempts at accessing her abilities failed miserably, leading the Freya to come to the realization that the cuffs prevented her from using them.

"I hope you like them, because they've officially become your new permanent accessory." Freya scoffed at Amanda Waller, who sat across from her. "Where you're going, no one will find you. It's a hole, and then we're throwing the hole away." Freya shook her head, leaning back against the truck. It was going to be a long ride.



Freya snapped her head up, the bracelets secured tightly around her wrists flashing out a bright blue light as she fiddled with them. They were her newest upgrade from her original cuffs. Amanda Waller stepped into the twenty-eight year old woman's rubber-lined cell, a file in her hand. Freya narrowed her eyes at the file, a dozen different questions coming to mind.

"I have a proposition for you. Decreased prison sentence, and a chance to take out the ones who stole from you all those years ago. All you have to do is join my task force, comprised of people like you." Waller said briefly, bluntly. Freya hummed in thought, weighing her options. In reality, she'd rather stay there to rot, rather than work under Amanda fucking Waller, but the opportunity sounded too appealing.

"Alright, I'm listening. Tell me more about this suicide squad you've got."

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