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OUT OF all the things Freya could have asked for, no one could quite believe that she had asked for this

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OUT OF all the things Freya could have asked for, no one could quite believe that she had asked for this. In reality, the request was simple enough, and it was surely within reason. But, somehow, no one could quite believe that they were all sitting together in a room, in a circle on very uncomfortable metal chairs. Rick stood by the door, in his usual soldiers uniform, and outside the heavy metal door were more heavily armed guards.

Freya still had her cuffs around her wrists, and they had given Chato a pair just like them, and moved him to a cell across from Freya, who was moved between Floyd and Digger, with Waylon quite literally beneath them. There was nothing anyone could do about Harley, but she had a bed, and her espresso machine, along with some erotic novels she was now hoarding.

Freya's hair was pulled into two low pigtails, courtesy of Harley, who thought they would look 'adorable'. And, judging by the excited squeal she let out when she was finished, she was pleasantly proved correct.

"So, it's officially been a week. How is everyone?" Freya asked, feigning politeness with an amused grin on her face. Floyd rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, but was the first one to answer.

"I got to see my daughter, Zoe. Man, she went and grew up on me." Floyd said, a faint smile on his face at the mention of his daughter. Freya smiled, and Harley perked up.

"I didn't know you had a little munchkin!" She said excitedly. Everyone glanced at each other, wondering how she forgot about the letter situation in the bar a week before. Floyd rolled his eyes again, looking to Freya.

"What about you, Sparky?" He asked, and Freya's eyes lowered to her hands that were laced together in her lap.

"I got to visit Maya's grave, for the first time in forever. I told her, all about you guys. Everything that happened." Freya said quietly, prompting Harley, who had her seat directly next to Freya, to loop both of her arms around Freya's left one, leaning her head on the metahuman's shoulder.

"I hope you told her only good things!" Harley said brightly, if only to lighten the mood, making Freya laugh.

"I couldn't exactly tell her my only friends were psychopaths and murderers, Harls." Freya joked, choosing her words carefully. But everyone in the room cracked a smile. Chato, who was still slowly recovering from the explosion he narrowly survived, grinned. GQ, who had also miraculously survived due to Freya, had also stopped by to sneak both Chato and Freya some fun snacks every once in a while.

"What about the man that killed Maya?" Digger asked, face set into one of his rare serious expressions. Silence settled over the room, and Freya spared a glance back at Rick.

"I got to see him, like Waller promised." She began, lifting her gaze from the floor. "I finally looked into the eyes of the man that killed the woman I loved, and I decided that killing him was too good of a punishment. He wanted to die — was so sure the second I walked into that room, he would die. Kept trying to get me to do it, too. He deserves to rot in a cell for the rest of his life." Freya finished, the finality of her decision settling in. It was quiet for a moment.

"If you ever change your mind, I can eat him," Waylon supplied for her, his face blank, tone completely serious. The two stared at each other for a moment, before they both grinned wildly. Laughter erupted from the others in the circle, Rick himself trying to hold back the laughter threatening to escape. Freya took a moment to look around, watching everyone beam with laughter, and smiles.

Freya could've had anything. A comfy new bed, better food, visits to the outside world — it was all within her grasp, all she had to do was ask. But, she chose them. They were the patsies, the cover-up, the bad guys — but above all that, they were a team. They were the Suicide Squad.

( note! yeet this isn't the end )

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