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( note: this is the bad ending of this story

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( note: this is the bad ending of this story. if you'd rather read the happy ending, you can go back to the previous chapter. or you can read both! enjoy! )

HARLEY'S HEART hammered against her chest, a heavy reminder that she had a choice to make. It would be entirely selfish to throw everything away for a mere chance that Freya would come back to life. The clear choice would be to run Kana through with the sword, end it quickly. If it were anyone else, Harley is sure that they would do it, no question. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion around her — the bullets flying trough the air, Waylon and Kana lunging at each other, Tatsu standing after being thrown to the ground, fire roaring through the air. Harley's grip tightened around the sword. Let her do the right thing — let her save her friends.

While Kana was trying to fend off Waylon, while also dodging bullets and fireballs, Harley waited for her opening. She was quick, and light on her feet, even with the heels she was wearing. When Floyd and Rick both took a simultaneous break to reload, and Chato ducked out of the way to avoid being hit by flying debris that Kana was throwing, Harley took her chance. She sprinted up behind Kana, who was being held around the throat by Waylon, and she quickly shoved the katana through her back.

Waylon released Kana, who stumbled forward slightly in shock. She whirled around to glare at Harley, but she made no move to attack. Kana looked down to the katana that had pierced through her body, part of the blade protruding from her abdomen. Her skin began to turn a dark, ashy color as an orange aura began to seep from the sword.

"She's burning, from the inside out," Chato stated, coming to stand next to Harley. Everyone was silent as they listened to Kana scream in agony, and then her body slowly turn to nothing more than ash, Freya's katana falling to the ground. Harley stepped forward hesitantly, picking up the katana, the orange aura fading away. There was a pause, a brief moment where Harley could have sworn she felt Freya standing next to her, but then it was gone — and so was she.

"Rest well, friend," Tatsu said quietly, sheathing her own katana. With teary eyes, Harley wrapped the katana around her waist in its belt form, and turned to the rest of her team.

"It's over. She's gone." They all knew, in that moment, Harley wasn't just talking about Kana.


They buried her next to Maya. None of the team actually got to go to the funeral, if you could even call it that. Rick Flag was able to go, and watch Freya be lowered into the ground, and he got to throw a handful of dirt onto the coffin. Her gravestone was simple, with just her name and date of birth to date of death. They didn't write that she was a villain, or that she helped save the world. No one else would know what Freya did, for the world, for anyone. No one but her Suicide Squad.

They were allowed to come together again, in that tiny room, the way Freya wanted them to. They were silent, mourning the loss of their friend. Before, they were hoping for some miracle, some way for them to bring her back to life. But now they couldn't run from the truth anymore, and the empty spot where she used to sit felt like a void that would never be filled.

Harley's eyes were still red and puffy from crying, her usually wild smile had been missing ever since the battle against Kana. Digger, who was known for being loud and wild, was unusually quiet and reserved.

"Zoe said she took flowers for Freya and Maya," Floyd said, breaking the silence between them. "She said that she took the same flowers Freya told her they had picked out for their wedding, before Maya was killed. Thought that they'd appreciate it." Rick nodded slightly, knowing that Freya would appreciate the gesture.

"I was given some extra meat this morning. Said that Waller told them to, because of Freya or something." Waylon said, grumbling softly. Even when she was gone, she was still looking out for them.

"I miss her." Harley spoke softly, more quiet tears flowing from her eyes. Everyone looked to the ground, silence falling over them. Freya Yukimura was gone, and all they could do was sit in their cells and remember her.


Somewhere, in the crate where Harley's belongings were held, Freya's katana was resting. It was Harley's to use now, and no one was going to argue with her about it.

The katana glowed brightly, orange tendrils of power wrapping around it. When Harley needed her, Freya would still be there, ready to protect her.

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