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( trigger warning! non-graphic abuse )

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( trigger warning! non-graphic abuse )

HARLEY MISSED her squad. She felt it burning, bothering her at the back of her mind. She told herself that she was happy; she had her Puddin', and she didn't need anything else. But her time spent where she thought the love of her life was dead, she was still happy. And J was mad, he was so mad.

Their new hideout had been mostly white and light cream colors, a room that was previously an office in the abandoned hospital having been renovated to suit their needs. The new spots of blood on the cream carpet stood out against the light colors. The bruises flowering across her arms and abdomen and cheek stood out horrifically against her pale skin.

Freya wouldn't treat me like this, she thought, and her mind instantly snapped into panic, her eyes darting around the room as if she were afraid that her Puddin' had heard her thoughts. Had heard that maybe she'd be happier with someone else.


Freya's mind raced as they approached the old hospital. She couldn't remember the last time she had been in a hospital. Given her chosen profession, she had never gone to the hospital for broken bones or bullet wounds. Even when her mother died, she never went to the hospital. In hindsight, it may have seemed heartless, how she left her mother to die on her own. But there was no saving her in the state she was in, and after thirteen years of being used as a weapon, Freya was done.

"We're touching down in 2." The pilot yelled, and everyone moved to check themselves over one last time. Once the helicopter landed, there was no going back. They had all their mission, they all had a job to do.

As the helicopter landed, the Squad filed out of the back, Rick leading them with Katana taking up the rear. They formed into pairs, Freya with Deadshot, Croc with Diablo, Katana with Boomerang and Rick still leading on his own. Everyone was alert as they walked through the front entrance of the hospital. Everything was eerily silent, aside from the crunching of broken glass and crumbled remains of the old floor tile beneath their feet. Freya gripped her katana tightly in her right hand, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. She felt like they were about to be attacked at any moment. As they approached the silver elevator doors, with a single green up arrow glowing above it, everyone saw the large maniacal grin plastered onto it. The paint had dripped and bled a little, making it even more unsettling.

"Can you power this thing? I don't trust that asshole." Floyd said, gesturing with his head towards the elevator, while looking at Freya.

"Yeah, no problem." She replied, stepping forward and pressing the button to call the elevator. Within seconds, the doors opened, and they all slowly stepped inside. Freya placed her palm flat against the control panel, and everything flickered off for a moment before it surged to life again, the doors closing with a ding and the elevator began its ascent. They rode the elevator to the third floor, where it stopped. "There's one floor left, but this is as high as this elevator goes. We're gonna have to find some stairs." Everyone stepped off of the elevator, with Freya going last. As soon as she stepped out, and the power flickered again, the metal contraption snapped and plummeted to the basement level with a loud crash.

"I guess you were right." Digger said, patting Floyd on the shoulder before continuing on. They fell into their partners again, and they came to a set of double doors that were covered in wood to keep from seeing through the windows. Everyone glanced at each other warily, before Rick slowly pushed the door open.

"So glad you could make it!" The Joker yelled, his voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard to Freya. Harley stood to his right, bruises visible to everyone in her attire. "Now, let's have some fun, shall we?"

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