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"KANA IS EXTREMELY dangerous and should be approached with extreme caution

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"KANA IS EXTREMELY dangerous and should be approached with extreme caution." Rick briefed his team, making sure his gun was fully loaded. "Evidence has proved that this woman was behind the murder of Maya, and now Freya. We go in, we take her out, but we need to be careful. Do not underestimate her." The squad nodded in determination, all of them standing up straighter than usual. The stakes were clear; they kill this woman, they avenge Freya. She would be at peace. Freya's katana was strapped around Harley's waist, no one daring to argue with her about it. The team filed onto the helicopter, sitting in silence as they awaited the battle ahead of them.


Sometimes, Harley thought she could see Freya out of the corner of her eye, sitting down next to them in the helicopter. But it was another painful memory that it wasn't true, that she was just seeing things. Grief did funny things to people, and it had been a long time since Harley had properly felt grief. In a way, it reminded her that she was still human. The pain, the overwhelming sadness, kept her going.

"Harley? You still with us?" Harley snapped her head up, her gaze focusing on Floyd, who sat across from her.

"Yeah." Was her simple reply. Everyone was oddly silent, the weight of their mission weighing heavily on them. They were doing this for Freya, for their teammate, for the person who cared for them unconditionally.

"Wheels down in ten." Rick said firmly, clutching his gun tightly in his hand. Tatsu sat up straighter, hand resting in the handle of her katana. It was her way of still feeling connected to Freya, like they could wield the blade together.

The rest of the team braced themselves for what they were about to witness, what they were about to do. They were going to kill a woman they knew almost nothing about, the woman who took Freya from them. They were going to make things right, no matter the cost.


There was no sneaking around. Kana was waiting for them when they landed, she was expecting them. The way she stared them down, her eyes cold and calculating, made Harley's skin crawl. Without a thought, Harley gripped the belt around her waist, before pulling it off, the blade linking together into its full katana form. Electricity hummed as it crackled around the blade, the final reminder of Freya that was left.

Fire sparked from Chato's hand, his eyes narrowed into a furious glare. This went beyond a personal attack to them, she had hurt his family. Chato had made himself a promise to not lose anyone else he cared about, but that shattered the moment those guards brought Freya's body into the room.

"Kana," Rick said, raising his gun, finger poised on the trigger. "Put your hands up." The woman simply smirked, standing up straighter. "Look, lady, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Waylon growled as Kana's brown eyes shifted, yellow eyes piercing back at them. Harley gripped the katana tighter, and she could have sworn that she felt Freya standing next to her. Glancing to her side, Harley's mouth nearly fell open in shock at the sight of Freya. But she was pale, a ghost of who she once was. Harley was snapped out of her trance as Rick snarled at the woman in front of them. "I was hoping you'd choose the hard way."

Floyd fired the first shot, a type of warning, grazing Kana's cheek before hitting the cement wall behind her. There was a brief pause, a tense moment for everyone to really realize what was about to happen, before suddenly the team was all moving. Tatsu and Waylon charged forward, the latter letting out a loud, fearsome snarl as he lunged for her. Kana stepped to the side, dodging Waylon's attack. Immediately they all noticed how fast she was, easily able to sidestep around Waylon.

Tatsu took the opportunity and swung her katana, attacking the woman from the other side. Kana grabbed the blade, her claws extending as she pushed Tatsu, sending her flying backwards.

"Bitch," Harley growled under her breath, before taking her own opportunity and running towards the monster before her. Kana swung first, her claws aiming for Harley's throat, like they had for Freya's not that long ago. Harley ducked under the woman's arm, swinging the katana up, just catching the loose fabric of her shirt. Kana scowled, bringing her claws down to hit Harley while she was open. Kana was met with an electrical field surrounding Harley, preventing her from touching the woman.

"Using a dead woman's katana," Kana sneered, taking a step back, electricity snapping around the shield. "How pathetic." Before Kana could say anything else, a blast of fire hit her, sending her flying backwards.

"You talk too much." Chato said bluntly, stepping forward. Rick and Floyd were towards the back, guns aimed and ready. Digger was keeping his distance, his boomerangs in hand. He skillfully flung one, the blade cutting into Kana's arm, making her hiss in pain.

"You are all pathetic, insolent fools! Fighting for a dead woman who never deserved to live in the first place!" Kana shouted, her teeth turning into what looked like fangs. "You can all join her soon." A gunshot rang out and a bullet lodged itself into her shoulder, making her jerk back. Floyd narrowed his eyes at her, not daring to talk. If he started, he didn't think he would be able to stop yelling.

"Broad is tougher than I thought." Harley muttered to herself, blowing a loose strand of hair out of her face.

"Don't worry about her," A voice said from next to Harley, making the woman snap her head to her left, eyes wide. "Just listen to me, okay?" Freya said, her eyes glowing orange, which matched the now-glowing katana. "Everything I am is inside this katana. Harley, if you can get close enough, run her through with this. She's fast, and she's strong, I don't want her to hurt anyone else I love. The last thing I can do for you, for all of you, is defeat her. All of my power will jolt into her, it'll kill her." Harley's eyes watered, the sounds of crackling flames and gunshots barely reaching her ears.

"This has to be another way, anything we can do to bring you back." Harley begged, reaching a hand out for Freya. Her hand, instead, went directly through the other woman, only cutting through the open air. Freya wasn't really there, she was in the katana, she was telling Harley how to save her friends.

"Don't worry about bringing me back. That doesn't matter. What matters is killing her. So just get close, and do what you have to." Freya's form flickered for a moment before disappearing. Harley let out a sob, her hands shaking. Does she do what Freya asks, and save her friends, or does she attempt to bring Freya herself back?

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