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THE GROUP began making their way up the stairwell, but Freya paused once she realized that Harley wasn't moving anymore

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THE GROUP began making their way up the stairwell, but Freya paused once she realized that Harley wasn't moving anymore. Instead, she stood still, staring down the empty stairwell. Freya ushered everyone on ahead, before moving back to stay with Harley. She gently reached out, placing a hand on the woman's arm. Harley immediately pulled out her gun, aiming it directly at Freya's head. The woman slowly raised her hands, attempting to calm Harley.

"Hey, woah, it's just me, Harley." Freya said softly, eyes flickering between the gun, and Harley's face. Harley's hand shook lightly as she stared at Freya.

"Have you ever been in love?" Harley asked after a moment. The question took Freya by surprise — out of all the things to come out of Harley's mouth, she wasn't expecting that.

"Yeah, I have." Freya whispered. Harley lowered her gun, and for a moment, Freya could see the hurt girl underneath the carefully crafted façade. "Come on, let's go, yeah?" Freya asked quietly, before gently taking Harley's hand, and leading her up the stairwell. Pushing open the door to the large office at the top, Freya held it open for Harley to walk through.

"Hey, wait here, please. I don't wanna give this dude a heart attack." Rick said, holding his hand out to Harley to keep her from moving forward into the room before them.

"Aw, he's embarrassed of us." Harley taunted, faking a pout. Freya smirked at that, shaking her head lightly.

"Hey, Flag. This dude better cure cancer after all this shit." Floyd said, gesturing to the room. Rick chuckled lightly before walking over to the metal door, punching in a passcode on the panel next to it before slipping through the door. Freya waited patiently as Rick entered the room, with Floyd following a minute later. The rest of the group was waiting semi-patiently in silence, before Digger nudged Freya in the side.

"Hey, Sparky. I didn't know you could speak Spanish." He said, remembering her talking to Chato earlier. Freya raised an amused eyebrow at the man.

"You never asked." She replied, and Digger opened his mouth to reply, before their conversation was cut short when Rick and Floyd walked out of the room. The two were followed by Amanda Waller, in all her devilish glory.

"No way." Harley said in shock, while Waylon let out a low growl as the group circled around Waller.

"Let's go home." Rick said sternly, giving them all a warning look. Digger let out a humorless laugh, nodding.

"Yeah, let's go home. That sounds good. You guys wanna go home? Or do you wanna go back to prison?" Digger asked the group, and Freya's stomach twisted. Of course she didn't want to go back to prison — she hated that place. But, she also didn't have a home to go back to. If she left prison, where would she go? There was no place for her in the world. "Look, all I'm saying is, we kill the pair of 'em now, before they kill us." Digger said bluntly, making Tatsu draw her sword, taking a step forward. Waller shot her arm out in front of the woman, pushing her back.

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