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THE RAIN pelted down heavily as they approached the fallen helicopter

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THE RAIN pelted down heavily as they approached the fallen helicopter. Freya's wet hair stuck to her cheeks as a breeze whipped it around, her clothes completely soaked, her wet jacket heavy on her body. Pulling the hair from her face, Freya stepped up to the helicopter, sliding the door open.

"There's nothing here." She said, looking around. It was empty of any people, not even any soldiers who may have died in the crash. Floyd stopped next to her, looking up towards the sky.

"Let me guess — we're going to the big, swirling ring of trash in the sky? You know, 'cause why wouldn't we?" Floyd asked, already knowing the answer. Rick stared at Floyd in silence, only reinforcing what they already knew. "When does this end, Flag?" Floyd asked again, but simply stayed quiet, glancing over at Freya, who crossed her arms over her chest. She narrowed her eyes a bit, staring him down.

"Load up. We're in for a fight." He said, averting his eyes from Freya's stare. Freya turned, looking through the helicopter one last time, trying to find any evidence left. She pulled out a bag, finding a binder labeled 'Top Secret' inside. She flipped it open, eyes scanning over the documents inside. Freya felt anger flare up inside her as she snapped the binder shut.


Freya furiously stormed through the group, her eyes landing on Rick. She swiftly threw the binder, narrowly missing Rick, before it slammed against a car. Rick turned, staring at her in confusion.

"You tell everybody, everything." She hissed out. "Or me and you are going to have some problems." She hissed in anger, her eyes flashing a dangerous orange. Rick looked down, taking a deep breath before addressing them.

"Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station." Rick began, and Freya stood with clenched fists, getting angrier at every word that came out of his mouth. Waylon grabbed the back of Freya's jacket, pulling her back away from Rick. He placed a heavy hand on her shoulder, and Freya's hands relaxed slightly, no long clenched so tight that her knuckles were white. "So Waller sent in me, and a woman with incredible abilities — a witch. See, nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could." Rick explained, making Harley frown. She didn't know what this 'non-human' entity was, but judging by the state of the city, it certainly wasn't good. She leaned slightly against Freya, who wrapped an arm around the woman's shoulders. "Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea." Waylon growled, and it was then Freya's turned to lay her free hand on his shoulder, calming him slightly. "And that's how she escaped from Waller. So now you know." Rick finished, causing Floyd to step forward.

"You can just kill me right now, but I'm gonna go have a drink." Floyd said sharply, gesturing to a bar, before he began walking towards its door.

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