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FREYA GRIPPED her sword tightly, narrowing her eyes

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FREYA GRIPPED her sword tightly, narrowing her eyes. Her mind raced as her eyes scanned over Harley, seeing the bruises on her skin. She knew that they couldn't simply brute force this — Joker was too smart for that, and he was definitely expecting them to come.

"I want to play with you first." Joker said, grinning maniacally at Katana. Freya growled, holding her sword in front of the other woman protectively. "Or maybe you, hm? Since you're so eager." Taking a gun from one of his lackey's, he held it up, pointing it at Freya. Waylon snarled, stepping in front of Freya as Floyd and Rick raised their guns. Harley bit her lip, her hands laced together, tensed and knuckles turning white — if it were possible to see with her already snow-like complexion.
Electricity shot through Freya's katana, the sparks running over it. "Oh, no, no." The Joker tsk'd, and with a wave of his hand, water began to flood the floor. It only came up to a little above their ankles, but it was too risky for Freya to use her abilities anymore. One wrong move and she electrocutes everyone around her.

"We're here for Harley!" Floyd yelled, not lowering his gun.

"Oh, you don't want to leave me, do you?" Joker asked, looking sternly over at Harley.

"Of course not, Puddin'." Harley answered, but her voice was small, and she curled back in on herself. Harley was afraid and everyone could see it.

"Harley, it's okay." Freya said softly, taking a step towards her. "You don't have to be afraid." Harley lurched forward, and the Joker growled.

"You want her? Fine. But you have to do just one, teeny-tiny little thing first." He snarled. Freya looked at Floyd, who nodded.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to kill Rick Flag."


Harley's heart stopped. He was willing to just give her up, to throw her away, if Freya killed someone. What's worse, is she knew Freya would consider it. They would all consider it, even Rick.

Freya's shoulders slumped and she slowly turned to Rick, whose eyes widened in horror. Harley wanted to scream that it was okay, they didn't have to do this. But when Rick simply handed Freya his gun, and nodded solemnly, she realized just how far they were willing to go. Freya raised the gun, her hand trembling as she pointed it at his chest. Pulling the trigger, Rick collapsed, water splashing around him as he fell backwards. The water turned red as he lay there, eyes wide and body still.

"Hm, perfect." The Joker grabbed Harley by the shoulder and threw her off of the catwalk they were stationed on. Harley screamed as she fell, her heart hammering away in her chest. She heard a shout, water splashing as someone ran frantically. Instead of hitting the ground, Harley fell into someone's arms, making them fall in the water as well.

"Hey Harls," Freya breathed out, her face inches from Harley's. Harley's heart swelled, and tears pricked her eyes as she threw her arms around Freya's neck, sobbing as she hugged her. Freya slowly stood, bringing Harley with her.

"Rick, he's—" Harley's eyes scanned over his lifeless body, sobbing again. Freya shushed her gently.

"Rick's fine, Harls. You need to trust me on this." Freya whispered, and Harley nodded. She believed Freya, and she trusted her with her life.


Freya shifted Harley from her arms to Chato's, who nodded at Freya. They knew their mission, and right now, Chato's was to get Harley out. As he led her back out of the large room, everyone sprung back into action as the Joker began spraying fire everywhere, using his prized flamethrower that he had gathered after pushing Harley off of the catwalk. Harley was just a distraction to him.

Waylon threw himself over Freya, blocking her from the fire. He roared in pain as his back and shoulders erupted into flames.

"Waylon!" Freya cried as he stumbled away, flailing wildly. She ran, shoving him down so the water would extinguish the flames. "Waylon, talk to me." She pleaded. He groaned in pain, eyes flickering open for a moment before he fell unconscious. Katana quickly grabbed Freya by the arm, pulling her down to dodge another spray of flames. When the fire subsided, Freya's eyes glowed a dangerous orange as she growled lowly. "I'm gonna kill you." The Joker laughed again, and the remaining members of the squad — Freya, Katana, Floyd and Digger — all stood together in a line, weapons raised and ready.

Men flooded into the room, charging at them with guns and knives. Katana and Freya stood back-to-back, cutting down enemies as they came within distance of their swords. The Joker had moved down to be on level with them, wading through the water in their direction.

"Freya, there's only one way to end this. Right here, right now." Tatsu said, looking over her shoulder at Freya. "Use the water to your advantage." Freya shook her head immediately, knowing what she meant.

"I'll hurt all of you. There's no way." She refused, turning to cut another man down. Digger's boomerang cut through a person behind Freya, and he caught it as it came back around.

"I hate to break it to you, love, but Katana's right. You have to." He stated, making Freya frown, and Floyd stopped to turn to her.

"Look, Yukimura. We don't like the idea of being electrocuted as much as you don't like the idea of doing it. But we don't have a choice right now." He said sternly, reloading his gun. Freya squeezed her eyes shut before nodding, and snapping them back open.

"Alright. I'll do it." The orange aura glowed around Freya as she turned towards the Joker.

Raising her sword, Freya brought it down into the ground, the electricity running through the water

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Raising her sword, Freya brought it down into the ground, the electricity running through the water. Everyone froze, shaking with electricity before dropping to the ground simultaneously. Standing , Freya walked over to the now-unconscious Joker and pressed her sword against his throat.

"It's over." She hissed as sirens wailed in the distance. Her team-mates lay unconscious around her, but they still stood victorious.

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