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"MY SPELL IS COMPLETE." Enchantress said, glaring down at the group. "Once you and your armies are gone, my darkness will spread across this world. And it will be mine to rule." She turned, holding her arms up. Lightning crackled as the weapon before her surged to life, darkness seeping out through the top.

"You got a move here, Flag?" Floyd called out, glancing back at Freya, whose side was still bleeding. The cut wasn't deep or life-threatening, but it stung. Harley stayed glued to Freya's side, almost as if the two were attached at the hip.

"We gotta cut her heart out." Rick yelled back. Freya scoffed to herself — he made it sound so easy. Just cut the witches' heart out, no problem.

Enchantress turned back towards them, reverting to her former form; her skin covered in black soot, and her eyes a bright white-orange. She teleported, appearing in front of Floyd, and easily throwing him backwards. Rick aimed his gun at her, but she took out his legs, sending him tumbling to the ground. Freya heard Digger go down, as Harley was flung from her side. Gripping her katana tightly, Freya and Katana stood back-to-back, waiting for Enchantress to make her move. The sound of a sword cutting through the air made Freya turn. Enchantress disappeared as Katana attempted to cut through her.

"While we're fighting, that things laying waste to the whole damn world." Rick yelled, the lightning crackling again. "Where is she?" He asked, moving to Freya's side, everyone grouping together.

"I don't know." Harley yelled back, annoyance in her voice, still clinging to Freya. Enchantress appeared again, a sword in each of her hands.

"Look out, look out!" Floyd shouted in alarm as Enchantress appeared behind Freya. Floyd sprinted in front of her, holding his arm up, Enchantress' sword clinking off of his armor. The witch shifted her focus to Rick, hitting his knee's and sending him to the ground, before holding her sword over her head.

"Rick!" Freya yelled in surprise. She dropped down, sliding on her knee's in front of Rick, blocking Enchantress' sword with her own. She listened to Floyd unload his guns on her, before Freya was knocked into her back. Enchantress' foot pressed harshly against Freya's injured side, making her cry out in pain. Suddenly, Enchantress was thrown off by Waylon, who attempted to throw her, but she teleported away. Waylon immediately helped Freya up, who sighed in grateful relief. Everyone ran to stand in a line, in front of the pedestal where Enchantress had appeared.

"Enough." She said sharply, waving her hand. Everyone's weapons flew out of their hands, and onto the ground. "Of all who have faced me, you have earned mercy. For the last time, join me, or die." Harley looked from Freya to everyone else.

"I'm not much of a joiner, but maybe we should." Harley tried to reason, which only made Floyd roll his eyes.

"Hey. She's trying to take over the world." Floyd shot back seriously. Harley shrugged, stepping in front of him.

"So? What's the world ever done for us, anyway? It hates us." Harley said sharply, turning and stepping towards Enchantress.

"Harley!" Freya yelled, moving to grab her. Waylon stopped her, shaking his head slightly.

"Hey, lady? I lost my Puddin'. But you can get him back, right?" She asked, staring up at the witch.

"I can, my dear. Anything you want." The witch replied.

"You promise?" Harley asked hopefully.

"Yes, child. You need only bow. And serve beneath my feet." Enchantress said, seemingly please with Harley's compliance as she slowly began to kneel.

"I like what you're sellin', lady. There's just one teeny problem." Freya's katana was at Harley's knee's now. "You messed with my friends." She grabbed the katana, slicing Enchantress across the chest. Harley reached her hand in the wound, pulling her heart out.

"That's my girl!" Freya yelled happily, as Rick turned to Floyd.

"Her hearts out! We can end this!" Rick pulled the bundle of explosives from his bag, tossing it to Waylon. Harley picked her gun up from off the ground, tossing it to Floyd, who caught it easily. Waylon launched the explosives towards the machine, and after a moments hesitation, Floyd pulled the trigger. But nothing happened. The gun was jammed. Freya slowly looked the machine up and down, before taking a deep breath, and turning to Rick.

"This runs on lightning, electricity. I think I can absorb the energy keeping it powered." Freya explained, and Rick gave her a cautious look.

"Are you sure?" He asked. Freya nodded, wet hair sticking to her cheeks.

"I can do this." Everyone stood back as Freya approached the vortex of lightning. Suddenly, Maya was in front of her, shaking her head frantically.

"Don't do this, Freya. Baby, please. We can be together. We can be happy." Freya paused for a moment, looking back at everyone behind her.

Rick, Floyd, Waylon, Harleen, Chato, Tatsu, and Digger stared back at her, eyes wide and hopeful. She was their only chance of ending this — they were counting on her.

"I am happy." Freya stepped by the illusion, pushing her way through the barrier. She held her hands up, absorbing the electricity. She let out a cry, her body beginning to buzz with the amount of electricity. As everything began to surge white, the lightning dispersed, a cloud of dirt, and debris left in its wake. Everyone could clearly see Freya, her body glowing blue with electricity under the skin, her veins glowing with it. Beyond that, her orange-hued energy shone brightly. Freya slowly bent down, grabbing her katana at her feet from where it landed when Harley threw it. Holding it directly up to the sky, a great bolt of lightning connected to the tip of her sword. But it wasn't coming from the sky, it was coming from her.

After the lightning faded, she swayed on her feet, before collapsing right into the arms of Floyd. She vaguely heard Rick helping June up from the remnants of Enchantress' corpse.

"Told you guys I could do it." She laughed, and he shook his head.

"Yeah, you did. I'm proud of you." Slowly, Floyd helped her stand up. In a moment of relief, Freya wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. They all survived, and they were even able to save June.

"Let's go home."

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