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AS THE HELICOPTER roared to life, ready to take them to whatever they were going to face, a woman with a mask covering half of her face, and carrying a katana stepped onto the helicopter

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AS THE HELICOPTER roared to life, ready to take them to whatever they were going to face, a woman with a mask covering half of her face, and carrying a katana stepped onto the helicopter. Through her mask, Freya noted her eyes scanning over everyone in the helicopter carefully.

"You're late." Rick stated bluntly. The woman stared at him blankly for a moment, before replying in Japanese.

"I was busy." She said, and Freya held back an amused smirk at the words. Rick rolled his eyes, before turning to the team.

"This is Katana, she's got my back. She can cut all of you in half with just one sword stroke; like mowing the lawn. I would advise not to get killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims." Rick introduced the woman, letting them all know not to cross her. Freya smirked from her seat between Chato, El Diablo, and Killer Croc. Harley stuck her hand out towards Katana.

"Harley Quinn, nice to meet you!" Harley said cheerfully, holding out her hand. When the woman made no move to complete the handshake, Harley dropped her hand, but it didn't stop Harley. "Love your perfume, what is that? The stench of death?" Harley asked jokingly, a wide grin on her face. Katana immediately went for her sword, and Freya shot forward in her seat, both girls reaching for their katanas. While Freya knew these people weren't the ones you wanted to cozy up to, she wasn't about the let Harley be killed before she was even given a chance to start the mission.

"Easy there cowgirl. Why don't you take a seat?" Rick said, gesturing to a seat next to him. Katana slowly released her sword, sitting down. Freya eased back in her seat, letting out a tensed breath.

"She seems nice." Harley chirped from across Freya, grinning. Freya almost laughed, shaking her head. She glanced over at Croc, taking in his 'outfit'. Freya nodded her head towards him, bumping her shoulder against him.

"I like your jacket." She said genuinely. He looked her over, eyeing her own red jacket.

"Thanks, I like yours." His voice was low, and he grumbled his words, but Freya smiled nonetheless. Harley turned in her seat, looking out the small window behind her.

"Look at all the pretty lights! Are you guys seeing this?" Harley exclaimed, referring to the big swirling vortex in the sky. Deadshot looked from Harley to Rick, raising his eyebrows.

"What happened?" Floyd asked, making Rick pull off his headset, and set it to the side.

"Terrorist attack. Bombs, bad guys, lighting up the place with AK's. You know, usual shit." Rick explained, and Freya could tell that he was lying through his teeth. Floyd nodded his head, as if he understood.

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