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"WHY ARE WE HERE?" Floyd asked, staring around the room at all the members of their team

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"WHY ARE WE HERE?" Floyd asked, staring around the room at all the members of their team. It was the middle of the night, and they were all brought together in the room that held Harley's cage. The said girl was pressed up against the bars, the colors in her hair faded away almost completely. Rick looked tired, exhausted even.

"We are all here because," Rick took a deep breath. He didn't want to say it, didn't want to make it real. "Because," His voice was strained, setting everyone on edge, the feeling in the room shifting. "Freya Yukimura is dead." Silence settled heavy in the air, the disbelief setting in.

"You're lying." Chato said, shaking his head angrily. "You're lying!" Rick frowned, turning to one of the soldiers by the door. He nodded, and the soldier complied, releasing the automatic lock and sliding the cell door open. GQ and another soldier wheeled in a hospital-like bed, a thin white sheet covering something on it. It was unusual for everyone to be able to view their fallen teammate, and definitely not protocol, but Rick decided at this point that protocol could fuck off.

"She was recovered from the sight of a car wreck. But it wasn't the wreck that killed her, it was the person that caused it. Zoe was there, but she's fine. Freya kept her safe, and she's in protective custody with our best soldiers." Rick said, picking something up off of the white sheet. Freya's katana was in his hands, and Tatsu made an almost distressed noise, her hands resting against the handle of her own katana. Perhaps it would have been easier for everyone if her soul was trapped within Tatsu's katana. "Freya gave it to Zoe and told her to run. It's charged with electricity, Freya's last gift to that little girl. Whoever holds this, if someone tries to harm them in any way, an electrical field will protect them." Holding the katana in one hand, Rick pulled the white sheet down with the other, taking an abrupt step back. He had already seen Freya's body, but it didn't make it any easier.

Freya looked pale, her skin almost transparent. Her clothes were coated in dried blood, the wounds in her stomach visible for them to see, along with the torn mess that was her throat. It was silent, before a soft whimpering voice spoke up between them.

"Let me out," Harley whimpered. "Let me out so I can see her." Rick didn't hesitate to move towards her cell, opening the outer gate before releasing the automatic lock on her cell door. Rick opened it, letting Harley stumble out. She was no threat to them, not now. The usually energetic woman was reduced to tears in front of the dead body of the woman she loved.

Her pale hands cupped the woman's face, thumbs gently grazing over her cheeks. Tears fell from Harley's cheeks, rolling down Freya's cold ones. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, Freya. You needed me, needed someone, and no one was there. I'm so sorry." Everyone looked on sadly, their hearts aching for Freya to just open her eyes. Waylon let out a wounded noise, turning away from the body of his best friend.

Harley leaned down, gingerly kissing Freya's forehead. It was cold, heartbreaking — not at like the warmth Freya usually gave off. Harley stood upright, looking at Rick with a determination and ferocity he had never seen before. "I wanna find the bastard who did this, and I want them dead." Tatsu stepped forward, placing an understanding hand on Harley's shoulder.

"When we find whoever did this, there will be nothing left of them." Tatsu spat venomously, and everyone agreed wholeheartedly. Whoever did this to Freya, their Freya, would die a slow and painful death. It wasn't a threat, it was a promise.


It was hard not to miss Freya, and even harder to accept the fact that she was gone. Waylon was still in a state of denial, even though he had seen the body with his own two eyes. The very girl who had seen him as a person, rather than a monster. The girl who smiled and made every problem seem to vanish. The weight felt heavy on his shoulders, the grief almost unbearable. Waylon Jones had never cried, but in the days following Freya's death, that's all he seemed to do.

Floyd Lawton was extremely thankful to have ever even met Freya. The one who sacrificed her own life to make sure his daughter got out, safe and sound. The one who always had his back, no matter what, no matter where. Freya had gone above and beyond for Floyd, for Zoe. Not because she was ordered to, but because she wanted to. As he sat in his cell, every punch to the punching bag only fueled his anger, enough to overshadow the painful amount of sorrow in his chest.

Digger and Freya had never really talked much. They didn't have to. The pair could communicate with facial expressions, and could laugh hysterically just by meeting one another's eyes. In his cell, Digger screamed and shouted, hitting at the walls. Not because he wanted to be let out, but because his heart ached.

Freya had saved his life. Chato would forever be grateful to her for that, putting her own life on the line to save someone else, to save him. She showed him that his power was no curse, he didn't have to be ashamed. There was nothing to be ashamed of. The empty cell across from him taunted him, reminding him of the vital piece of their family that they had lost.

Tatsu was a no-nonsense kind of person. She did what she had to, her own way. But when Freya stepped onto their team, and into their lives, she found herself cracking jokes in Japanese with the other woman, as well as comparing their katanas. Tatsu Yamashiro somehow wished that, this once, miracles could happen. This once, they would bring Freya back to them.

Rick Flag and Freya Yukimura had an odd friendship. It mainly consisted of taunting and teasing one another, actually as if they couldn't stand the sight of each other. But she would take a bullet for him, and he for her. Rick's only regret was that he wasn't there to take the bullet for Freya then.

Harley cried. She cried and sobbed and grieved over the loss of Freya. She grieved with everything in her, even Griggs began to feel a little sorry for her. Freya had gotten stabbed trying to protect Harley before. She had saved her from the clutches of the Joker. Freya gave all she had to Harley, who was oblivious for the longest time. Harley wondered for a moment if Freya was happy to be reunited with Maya, with the woman she was going to marry. Harley shouldn't be jealous of a dead woman, but all she wanted was to be able to hold Freya in her arms, just once, just one last time.

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