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FREYA FROWNED in confusion, narrowing her eyes at Rick

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FREYA FROWNED in confusion, narrowing her eyes at Rick. He briefly registered the look on her face, before sighing.

"Officially, Maya was a barista at a coffee shop. Unofficially, she was an intel officer for ARGUS. Never told us about you, though. At least, not who you really were. You were always the elusive fiancée." Rick explained, and Freya's jaw tightened as she took in the information.

"I guess that explains the long nights at work, and why her funeral was suspiciously all paid for by an anonymous person." Freya bit out, and Rick nodded. "I don't care who she worked for. I knew her, who she really was. Nothing else matters. Certainly not anymore, anyways." Turning swiftly on her heel, Freya downed the rest of her drink, before moving around the counter to stand next to Harley, who threw her arms around Freya's waist, hugging her tightly.

"I didn't know her that well outside of work. She was an intel officer, she knew how to keep secrets." Rick said, remembering the fiery redhead who he saw nearly everyday for close to a year. "When she died, Waller called it in. She was part of the squad, no matter what. We caught the person who did it, and they've been rotting in a cell ever since. Leverage for when she finally caught you, I suppose." Rick said with a frown. Freya stayed silent, her heart hammering in her chest as the familiar burn of tears began to prickle behind her eyes. She shook her head, pouring another shot and downing it. If it weren't for her inability to get drunk, she'd be feeling pretty tipsy by now. Rick sat down on the stool that was previously occupied by Freya.

"If I don't stop that witch, it's over. Everything is over." He took off the small tablet on his arm, smashing it against the counter. "You're free to go." He said, and Digger immediately grabbed his beers, running out the door while Harley detached herself from Freya, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Hate to break it to you, Rick, but I've always been free to go." Freya said with a smirk, leaning up against the bar. Rick furrowed his brows in confusion. "I short-circuited it the second Waller walked out of that room. It's cute, really, that you put technology anywhere near me, and expected me to be threatened by it." Freya said, shrugging innocently. Everyone in the bar let the information sink in that Freya had been here, the entire time, because she wanted to be.

Rick shook his head in disbelief, before pulling a bundle of envelopes out of his jacket, Rick slid them over to Floyd. "Your daughter writes to you everyday. Every single day." Floyd's eyes teared up momentarily as he picked the first one up. Rick stood to leave, but Floyd quickly stopped him.

"You had these the whole time?" He asked, and Rick nodded slowly. "You had letters from my daughter, the whole time?" He paused, but Rick said nothing. "I'm gonna get you there. And you're gonna end this. I'm gonna carry your ass if I have to. 'Cause this shit is gonna be like a chapter in the Bible. Everybody's gonna know what we did. My daughter will know what we did. Maya, will know what we did!" Freya's head snapped up as Floyd marched out of the bar.

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