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"SHOW THEM." Amanda Waller stated sternly, watching Freya carefully. Everyone had just watched Floyd Lawton's impressive marksmanship, but Freya wasn't too keen on being put on display like an animal in a zoo. Nonetheless, she didn't have a choice, so she held up her arms, showing Waller the fancy cuffs on her wrists, restricting her powers.

"Can't do much with these, Waller." Freya quipped, her eyebrows shooting up quickly as she smirked. Waller held up a tablet, and with the press of a button, and a low beep, the cuffs detached themselves from her wrists, and dropped to the ground. The targets that Floyd had shot dropped to the ground as new ones popped up.

"Take them out." Rick Flag ordered, crossing his arms over his chest. Freya scoffed, scowling at him, before she took a few steps forward. Holding her hands out to her sides, sparks began to fly as electricity crackled at her fingertips. Freya's hands glowed brightly as her eyes lit up with a faint orange. The lights around them all flickered, and the guards looked around, clearly startled. In the three years Freya Yukimura had been in Belle Reve, no one had seen her powers, or experienced what she could do. There were rumors, and stories — some exaggerated tales about her feats, and others not-so-exaggerated.

Holding her hands out in front of her, outstretched towards the targets, Freya released a bolt of electricity. It hit the target, burning off the top half of its head. Freya repeated the process, easily taking out the five targets in front of her. Dropping her hands back down to her sides, the electricity crackled again as it died down, her hands losing their glow. From behind her, Floyd whistled lowly in surprise.

"Damn, Sparky." He said, amusement and awe in his voice. Freya turned towards him, a fierce glare in her eyes. He tensed for a moment, before Freya unexpectedly dropped the glare, gesturing towards all of the guns on the table.

"You're not too bad yourself, Deadshot." Freya joked, an easy smile settling on her lips. The guard, Griggs, quickly grabbed the cuffs from the ground, and forcefully put them back on Freya, who turned her glare on him. Griggs backed away quickly as Waller side-eyed him, and he could've sworn he heard Freya snarl under her breath. The cuffs hummed as they came back to life, the blue light flashing, indicating that they were active. Rick cleared his throat awkwardly, pushing by Floyd, grabbing onto Freya's elbow.

"Let's go, Yukimura." Rick said, beginning to lead her forward. Freya held direct eye contact with Griggs, before she was back into the building, and he was no longer in her line of sight. "That was pretty impressive. I've never seen the lights flicker in this place. It's like an impenetrable fortress with the best resources around." Rick mumbled, making awkward small talk as he escorted Freya to her room. Freya hummed in response, clearly uninterested in whatever he was saying. They stopped in front of her cell, and Rick opened the door so she could walk in. Shutting it behind her and locking it securely, Rick gave her an uncertain nod before leaving. Freya stood, listening to his footsteps echo down the hall before she couldn't hear them anymore.

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