Author's Note and Fun Facts

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Hey, guys!

Sabrina here with a few updates and an explanation as to the epilogue. First things first: I know an epilogue is supposed to be a finally hoorah to the characters and a way to say adios, but I was not ready to let go of our lovely Blaine and Thanatos quite yet. Lol. So, consider the epilogue a sort of teaser for Book 2: Death, Please Take Me Back. Yes, the title isn't very creative, but it's B for book B. *elbows crowd repeatedly* Eh, you get it? Ya get it? DO YOU GET IT?! *clears throat* Sorry. . . Let's move along, shall we?

Next, the sequel will not be released until November. This give me the chance to work on some of my other projects that I have been regrettably neglecting for quite some time now. Also, what better way to celebrate my 20th birthday than to post a new project? Lol. So, for those of you still reading this, that is something to look forward to if you're just as crazy as me to be sticking with this. (Oops. . . I revealed my insanity there for a second *laughs like a loon*) Carrying on!


*ahem ahem* So, who's up for a few fun facts (about the book and myself) and a little bit of background on how this big ball of insanity came up with such a GRIM topic? Why, yes, that was an intended pun. . .


First off, let's get it straight that I'm a female American author (if you didn't catch that from my name). Lol.

1. I want to start with my spelling of the word "fairy". So, I normally spell it f-a-i-r-y but.... I purposely used the Gaellic spelling (faerie) for the express purpose of having the ability to use the word "fae". I have no regrets whatsoever over this.

2. Next, the idea for this book came to me in a dream. Scary thought, right?

3. I am just as shocked as you (the readers) are at what ends up on the screen in front of you. I do not do the writing - my hands do. If I'm writing the traditional way, the pen just flows, occasionally asking me to supply a certain word (and more often than not being disappointed). If I'm typing, my fingers find the keys - not me. All I do is read over what I write to do a half assed spell check and to change a few things I'm not particularly fond of. That's it. And that's probably the reason I get stuck so often.

4. Writer's Block loves me. No joke. If you weren't keeping track, the last time I updated this (before the chapter I posted earlier this month) was in September of last year. Yeah, you read right. SEPTEMBER. And that is because I was caught in a huge slump and had no way out. I couldn't write on ANYTHING I had going at the moment. So, yeah, I might be a little crazy for writing a sequel, but oh well. Just call me a masochist if you like.

5. What got this going again was when I was idly staring at the my works page on wattpad, trying to summon up some sort of ink power. Anyway, I happened to look to the top right hand corner and saw the thirty day writing challenge thing wattpad was hosting. Since I was not inclined to share certain details with millions of people around the world, I decided not to enter. BUT it gave me the idea to look up writing prompts to see if that would get my juices flowing. So, I went to reddit and looked at the writing prompts and wrote a few down. Since then, if I get stuck, I look at a prompt and try to squeeze blood out of a turnip (old saying, don't worry about it if you don't get it), which surprisingly works well for me. After agonizing over a prompt for several hours, I'm ready to write on my own projects again.

6. If you don't read my other works, you should know that I am scarily obsessed with gay smut. It's basically the only thing I can write. I didn't make this one smutty though because I had the irrational desire to keep it halfway "sophisticated". Lol. However, if y'all would like, I can add a few sexy scenes in book 2.

7. If you have noticed how my writing kind of bounces back and forth in tone and mood, that is because that's the kind of mindframe I was in when I wrote it. I have a couple mood disorders that sometimes majorly impact my writing, which is something I haven't completely figured out if it's a good thing or not just yet.

8. I am actually southern as fuck. I am from Texas and I normally use the word "y'all" so much in one breath it's kind of scary. But - AND PAY ATTENTION TO THIS - I am not overly country. Yes, you can be southern but not country - that is a possibility, people! However, I do enjoy being outside in the middle of nowhere.

9. I'm normally a nice person unless you piss me off. So, feel free to message me and make a literary request if you like or, you know, if you ever want to talk to someone who's so far off her rocker she wouldn't know how to find it even if all the lights were on. Lol

10. I am a bi-pan female who is so far out of the closet that I make the closet feel like it's in a closet in a closet in a closet in a closet somewhere in the deep recesses of Narnia. Yes, that is apparently a thing. Don't judge.

So, that's it for the fun facts and author's note. Congratulations if you managed to get through all of my maddening rambling with at least part of your sanity intact. Good job! *hands you virtual cookie of your choosing* Please, stay tuned for the next book!

Remember: I love each and every one of you guys and you can always reach out if you need someone to talk to!! Have a great/safe day/night wherever you are! Peace out, my lovelies.

-Sabrina <3

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