Chapter Three: Whole 'Diary' Thing

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I hate putting people down, I also don't like rejecting people, but I do it all the time. I always push people away, it's one of my biggest habits. I try to change it but I think it's stuck with me for the rest of my life. I've already pushed Niall away without giving him a chance, but for some reason I know what he is going to be like, as every other celebrity of course. Well time to sleep, I'm really getting annoyed with this whole 'diary' thing anyway. Bye!

Remind me again why I agreed to have a diary let alone write in it? Oh that's right, one word: Mads. Speaking of Mads, she is fast asleep beside me as I scroll through my Twitter updates. I'm not gain enough to ask if anyone else is awake, I think Niall is though but I haven't checked. Curiosity takes over me and so I decide to search him up on Twitter. The results come up and I look at his account. I selected to follow him, hoping to see something interesting. Hmm guess he is awake, last tweet, 1 minute ago. I rub my eyes and read it.

'Great to relax again, the feeling of being welcomed is slowly creeping in on me.' Wow what a way to put it, maybe he is being welcomed by the rest of my family but he is far from it with me, I couldn't resist but reply to that tweet.

'Far from it.' I waited a few more minutes and then suddenly I got a new follow, 'Niall Horan' oh yay! Seconds later a message.

'I know you're awake :)' He said, smiley face? Really?!

'No, I'm fast asleep.' I replied back, suddenly I heard a little chuckle, that's when I looked up and saw Nialls face clearly as his brightness on his phone was turned up high. I saw the big smile on his face and then it died down. He turned his head and immediately I turned mine hoping that he didn't see me... Examining his... Reaction...

'I know I'm interrupting you're dreams, sorry but had to say... Did you mean what you said earlier today?' I held my breathe. Did I mean it? I have no idea, what do I reply?

'Dreaming is too mainstream, I'm having a nightmare where my heart is fighting my brain ;)' I said, wow what's with my winking face? 

'I'm guessing you're battling whether or not you meant it or not...' He replied.

'Mhmm.' I replied, hoping that this conversation would end soon.

'Can I change your mind?" 

"Maybe you have 12 hours. I'm going to sleep now.' With that I switched my phone on standby and put it beside me on the floor. I snuggled under the doona and closed my eyes.

"Night Ellie." I heard Niall whisper from the other side of the small room.

"ELLIE!!! PANCAKES!!!" I heard someone yell at the top of her lungs. I rubbed my eyes and scanned the room, I saw Niall just starting to wake up as well. Sean was out of the room, most likely on his morning run knowing him. In front of me stood a beaming and bright Mads.

"Not funny Madeline!" I yelled as she pulled my covers off of me. I laughed as she screwed her face up, she hates being called Madeline, the only way to get to her is to actually call her Madeline. She shook her head in disgust at me then left the room. I laughed as I slowly got out of bed. I headed to the door half asleep of course and then I was knocked to the ground.

"Oh my god! So sorry Ellie!" Niall said as he bent down to help me up. I shook my head as I got up myself and left the room leaving him standing with a gaping mouth. This is going to be a long 12 hours.

I didn't know what to do, should I advance and talk to Niall or just ignore him and completely forget about the blonde. I sat down and ate my pancakes as everyone talked amongst eachother, I stayed silent the whole time.

I helped my dad stack the dishwasher, it wouldn't do me any harm to catch up with him.

"How's work?" I asked breaking the silence as I placed a plate in the dishwasher.

"Good good. What about you?" He replied with a smile.

"I'm still looking for a job. I'm going to apply for a few once I get back home." I said hoping to not worry him too much.

"How are you earning money?"

"Odd jobs here and there. I'm quite the baby sitter you know." I said with a wink.

"I know you are. Anyways darling how did you go with the last bits of your studies?"

"Good, really good. I'm all set for a job now." 

Dad and I talked for a little longer as I continued stacking the dishwasher eventually I finished and said goodbye to dad and left the kitchen.

I went back to my room to get changed but as I opened the door I heard a voice from inside, I paused as I realized it was Niall. I stayed by the door for who knows why. I heard his voice again.

"Listen I can't come back, I'm on holiday and I'm not gonna come to you for some fucking publicity stunt! Can't I live a normal fucking lif?!" He raised his voice and I winced.

"NOW DON'T FUCKING BOTHER ME AGAIN!!!" He yelled and I heard something thump. I put my hand on the handle and pushed it open, who knows why I did that. Immediately Niall looked up with fury in his eyes. His expression softened as his eyes met mine and a slight smile appeared on his face. I couldn't help but smile back at him pretending that I heard nothing.

"I won't be long." I say as I sit down on my bed.

Finding Me {Niall Horan} completedWhere stories live. Discover now