Chapter Thirty Seven: Quickly

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Niall’s POV

It was good having everyone over, even better finding out about Alex and Liam. I always knew that they were going to get together sometime and it finally happened, apparently a while ago. The ‘scary’ movie that Liam picked wasn’t even scary, it was definitely boring enough for Ellie and I to fall asleep. Apparently everyone else stayed awake but I just couldn’t, sleep took over.

Ellie was already awake once I woke up, Liam and Alex were snuggled on the other couch, fast asleep. Perrie was sprawled on the floor but as usual Zayn probably snuck off to sleep in a proper bed. Louis was sitting up on his phone and Harry was asleep on the recliner.

“Morning.” I looked up to see Ellie leaning over me before pressing a kiss to my forehead. I sat up as she came around with two cups of tea or coffee in her hands. She handed me one and from the smell rising from it I could tell it was my favourite type of coffee. Mmmmm, yum.

“Thanks Ellie, this is good.” I said after taking a sip of the scorching hot coffee. She smiled at me before sipping at her hot beverage. She’s not a coffee fan so it wouldn’t be coffee, possibly tea.

“Where’s mine?” Louis asked as he looked up from him phone. Ellie giggled before getting up and disappearing into the kitchen. “Niall, check this out!” Without any warning a phone came flying towards me, landing in my lap. It took me a few seconds to figure out what was on the screen but I soon realised that it was a photo collage of Ellie and I. The caption to go along with it said ‘My OTP, so glad they’re together. Ellie makes Niall happy and if he is happy I’m happy.’ I examined the pictures a little more closely, there were quite a few. I smiled as I remembered the events that went on during the taking of these photos. One of them being the night when I first told Ellie I loved her; she looked absolutely stunning in the photos. She always looked good, no matter what. Another lot of photos were of Ellie and me with a range of fans, which was the time we went for a walk and met the lovely fans. They were absolutely adorable and nice and sweet, they are fans I’ll never forget. There were plenty more pictures of us just walking around and just sitting in places. One of us with Harry and Louis that time when that young photographer asked for a photo, I’ll never forget her either.

“Niall? Niall!” I looked up from the photo and saw Louis staring at me.

“What?” I asked as I looked around the room, Perrie was stirring meaning she would be awake soon.

“My phone, can I have it back?” Louis held  out one hand as he gestured towards the phone in my hands.

“Oh, right.” I snapped back to reality. “Here.” I said as I tossed it back over to Louis. He smiled at me before looking down at his phone.

“So, what are the plans for today Mr.Horan?” Ellie asked as she sat beside me after giving Louis his cup of tea.

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?”

“Relax, before having a busy day tomorrow.” I nodded in agreement and took another few sips of my coffee.

“Want to go for a walk?” I grabbed Ellie’s hand and rubbed circles over her palm.

“Sure, let me get something warm on first.” Ellie got up and left the room.

“I’ll tell them that you’ve gone. Just go.” Louis said, not even bothering to look up from his phone.

“Thanks Lou.” I got up and ran upstairs and to my room. Ellie was just slipping a coat on as I walked into the room.

“Good to know that I can get changed and know I’ll never be walked in on. You know because you’ll knock.” Ellie smirked as she wrapped a scarf around her neck and then pulled a beanie over her head. I smiled at her and quickly grabbed some jeans, a t-shirt and a jumper. Ellie disappeared into the bathroom and so I decided to quickly get changed just standing there. Once Ellie came back out she had the smallest amount of makeup on and her hair fell neatly around her shoulders.

“You ready?” I asked, watching as Ellie moved some of her hair away from her face.

“Yep, do I need to bring anything?”

“No, just yourself.” I smiled at her and took her hand in mine as we made our way to the side exit. I checked to make sure there were no fans around and then I stepped out into the open and quickly walked across the road with Ellie by my side. I too had a beanie on and I really hoped that it would be enough to keep us hidden for at least a little while.

We walked for at least 10 minutes before we reached a small park that was practically empty except for another couple walking a dog. I led Ellie into the playground and I quickly climbed up onto the platform. Ellie followed all while smiling her beautiful smile. We sat at the highest point which was covered from the wind and the light rain. Ellie leaned her head on my shoulder and we sat in silence.

“It’s almost Christmas.” Ellie spoke up, the rain getting heavier.

“Yeah, what do you usually do for Christmas?”

“Every two years I spend it with family, that was last year so this year I have no idea.”

“You could.” I paused and looked at Ellie. “You could spend it with me.” Her eyes went wide and her mouth just opened. “I mean, if you wanted to.” I quickly added, not wanting to pressure her.

“I’d love to!” She wrapped her arms around me in a tight but comfortable hug.

“It’s only a month away…” I thought to myself.

“It’s going to come quickly.” Ellie said and then I realised I had said it out loud.

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