Chapter Twenty Five: Constantly Messaging

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A/N: Here is another chapter for you all! Enjoy

Xox Kat

I supressed a smile as Niall and I snuggled up on a couch, most of the afternoon I spent sleeping because I was tired but now here I am at 9 pm with Niall all snuggled up on a couch watching soccer. I’m slowly learning the rules but I think Niall should just give up now because I’m a lost cause when it comes to most sports!

“Hey Niall you didn’t return that girls’ phone case and all that.” I say remembering that day when Niall and I went for our walk.

“I got someone from management to meet the girls’ there. They were so thankful. Anyways so number 13 is..”

I zone out and then my phone starts vibrating in my pocket and I begin to wander how anyone could possibly have my new number, I take my phone out and see that it’s Alex calling and I smile as I remember the care free girl. Well I’m not sure if she’s actually care free, when we talked she seemed a little upset about what had happened.

“Hello Alex!” I say after accepting the call.

“Hey Ellie, I hope you don’t mind but Liam told me what happened and I was just calling to ask how things were.”

“No that’s fine, yeah I’m all good now, how about you?” I ask excusing myself from Niall and walking into the empty kitchen.

“Yeah I’m good… Dayna has been acting weird lately and I’m really worried about her but there is nothing I can do seeing as she won’t see me or anyone for that matter” Alex said her voice dropping to a whisper.

“Maybe she just needs some time alone, I’m sure things will be okay.” I say leaning against the kitchen counter.

“Yeah… Well I actually called to ask if you wanted to hang out tomorrow, maybe go to a coffee shop or something. If you’re still like recovering then all good.”

“Of course! I’d love to just have a day out with a friend. Umm where do you want to meet?” I ask walking around the island counter and opening the fridge. Multitasker right here!

“Well there is this really nice café I go to, I’ll text you the address.”

“Alright sounds great. What time?” I pour myself a glass of orange juice using one hand, now that is skill.

“How about midday, that way we can have lunch there as well.” Alex says, a loud bang comes from her side of the call and I pause in my tracks.

“What was that?”

“Just dropped something. So midday at the café of which I will text you the address.” Alex says with a hint of a smile in her voice.

“Yep, I’ll see you then. No boys for an afternoon halleluiah!” I say earning a laugh from Alex. We say good bye and then the call ends and I take my orange juice and join Niall again on the couch.

“What was all that halleluiahing about?” Niall asks as he wraps an arm around me as we resume our position.

“Alex and I are going to have lunch tomorrow, no boys!” I say poking Niall in the chest, I look up only to see him pouting at me.

“Well then I’ll just have to take you out for dinner!”

“Okay.” I laugh and snuggle into Niall even more “it’s a good thing I’m not needed at work till Wednesday, everything was postponed with you guys wasn’t it?” I ask looking at the tv as the game finally ends.

“Yeah, your boss didn’t want us to come in until you were back, I don’t think he knows about us yet, so much for him being up to the latest goss hey!” Niall joked as he flicked through the channels.

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