Chapter Nineteen: It Won't Stop

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“So lads, we hear that there is a Christmas Album in the works.” The interviewer Dave said with a smug smile.

“Yes we can confirm that in three days time we will begin recording some cheery Christmas songs.” Louis says with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen.

“Can you boys tell us what studio you will be working at?” Dave asked.

“No, we are going to keep that private as we want to work in peace.” Liam said with a calm yet stern voice.

“What a bummer, the fans will find you though, won’t they?”

“We hope not.” Harry answers this time.

“Okay, now about fans finding things out... Niall you wanted to give a message to your fans.” My heart stopped, this is the moment. Fans are going to attack, they are going to come full force at me. Why am I even worried about that? I’ve said it many times that I’m not afraid of the hate; I’m not thought. I can’t be... Can I?

“Thank-you David and yes I do have something to announce... I can confirm that I am no longer single. The rumours about Ellie and I are true and I’m truly happy with her. I’m asking my fans personally to not hate on Ellie. Our fans are amazing and I love every single one of you and I can’t thank you guys enough for what you have done. In fact I’m asking that you don’t hate on anyone we are linked to, what is hating going to do? You make us upset when you do so... The people in our lives are there but you guys are too and we never forget that. I think the boys will agree with me when we say that every single bit of hate is taken to heart and giving that hate doesn’t make you a better person.” Niall looked at me once he finished, his smile was small but I could see in his eyes that he meant every word he said.

“That was quite a speech Niall. Anything else to add lads?” David said looking at each boy.

“Niall is right, the hating needs to stop. We are affected by it even though you may not see it so please we are asking that you treat the people in our lives with respect.” Zayn said smiling at me as well.

“You heard to boys. Now next week I will be catching up with Holly Farl (A/N: This person doesn’t actually exist but please bare with me I will tell you more about her later.) and we will be discussing her new single ‘Beat That.” David finished with a smile and the camera’s then stopped rolling.

“Thank you very much lads, now I haven’t discussed this with your management but if you are free next week we would like you to come in and meet Holly, she is a wonderful artist as you know and she’s hoping for a bit of collaboration. I will bring it up with your management in a minute but please have a think about it.” David said and then got up and left the boys.

“Ellie! Come over here.” Zayn called out to me. I smiled and headed over to where the boys were still seated.

“You guys did great.” I said as Niall pulled me onto his lap.

“Nialls speech was impressive, how many times did you rehearse that?” Louis said with a smirk.

“I made it up on the spot...” Niall held me a little tighter as I moulded into him a little more.

“It was brave.” I whispered and I smiled to myself as the words he said kept replaying in my head.

We sat there and talked for a little longer and then we were ushered out of the room and out to the car park where a van was waiting. I followed Niall in and sat in between him and Zayn.

“Zayn how is Perrie?” I ask trying to start a conversation. I don’t really know them that well and I feel a bit left out seeing as they are all best friends.

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