Chapter Forty Three: Calls And Texts

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It’s been exactly a month since I got back from the island or wherever I was. It felt like hell for that last night. I can’t say that I’ve been clean for the whole month but I’ve gotten better, at least I think I have. Alex has kept an eye on me, however she doesn’t know that I’ve still been… You know. I don’t want to feel anymore, I don’t want to suffer I just want to go. NO! I need to stop having these thoughts; I Ellie Stevens will get better. I will be fine and I definitely don’t need Niall Horan. I’ve been ignoring his calls and texts, I’ve also kept myself off Twitter because no doubt he would try contacting me through there too. I’ve seen what’s being said about Niall and I, there are many rumours floating around and it doesn’t help my case. I can’t go out of the apartment without at least one person recognising me and questioning things. My mum has been extremely worried about me because her being her she has been seeing everything on social media. I told her to not worry, I explained that I just wanted my time alone but I guess a daughter can’t get that seeing as she said either I go there or she comes here. Me being me gave in and well today I’m driving up to their place and staying there for 2 weeks.

“Alex, I’m heading off.” I called from the lounge room, car keys in hand.

“You sure you don’t want me to come?” Alex asked as she literally tripped whilst walking into the room.

“Yeah I’m sure, my mum will take good care of me.” I said with a smile, slipping my diary into my duffel bag. I had recently gone out and gotten a new wardrobe, I was noticed but I just ignored everyone and continued on with my shopping.

“Alright then, I’ll see you in two weeks!” Alex threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

“Bye Alex!” I said before waving and leaving the apartment with my duffel bag hanging by my shoulder. I quickly went round the back and then to where my car was parked. I’ve been doing this lately because one day I got a huge shock when I saw the amount of people standing out the front, no not as many people as Niall gets following him around but still a large amount. I tried my best to ignore them as I continued on my way and went into my car and drove off.

I started my car and pulled out of my parking spot, as I drove past the front of the building I was brought to a standstill as a car pulled up and hundreds of screaming girls started running across the street. I shook my head and turned into a small street which would get me out of the crowded area.

By the time I reached my parents’ house it was 4:30 and I hadn’t eaten since breakfast so as soon as my mum offered me food I accepted.

“So Ellie, what’s been going on lately? You’ve been seeming so down.” My mum spoke after I settled down with cake and a cup of my favourite tea; green tea.

“I told you not to worry mum, I’ll be fine.” I said before taking another sip of the scorching hot tea.

“But you’re not fine, I can tell. I think you’re forgetting that I am your mother.” I shook my head at her and took a look around the room. It never really changed in this house, the walls remained a light cream colour and the one wall with wallpaper never changed. By the front door was the large mirror that I used to fix my hair in before mum would take me off to school. The same mirror that I checked my dress length in before going to my first party as a legal adult. The mirror held many more memories that half of them I can’t even remember.

I scanned the room a little more, my eyes landing on the photo wall beside the stairs. Every Christmas photo, family photo and birthday party was situated in a row. Photo’s from before I was born, of just my mum and dad. Then photo’s with my mum and David with Sean and I. Then there were the odd photo’s of me with some friends, also a couple of Aimee with her friends, then there was one single one of Sean with a group of friends. I squinted my eye and that’s when I saw him. Niall was in the back, his head just popping up and over another boys shoulder. His grin was so big I swear it didn’t even look normal. Sean was in the middle of the photo, a huge smile on his face, probably because he was surrounded by his best mates which consisted of by the looks of things about 20 guys. I was different, I survived with 4 friends, that’s all I needed.

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