Chapter Fourteen: Little Celebration Party.

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A/N: I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it. 

I got the job! I met two new people; Drake and Deliah. They both seem really nice and I already have the feeling that I’m going to love working with them, their smile is seriously contagious and they don’t seem too strict, yet! I’m excited about this job, most likely I’ll be meeting celebrities or soon to be celebrities, I’ll also get plenty of experience in hope of one day starting my own recording label! YAY!!! Anyways, mads is taking me out tonight, a little celebration party, I’m ready to go and... Oh gotta go now. BYE!!!

I place my diary gently under my pillow and run out of my room and to the door. Mads is dressed in a light purple dress that stops mid thighs. Her hair is down and in her natural loose curls.

“Dayum, Mads looking good.” I say playfully and give her a wink. I went for a black dress that stops a little higher than mid thigh, accompanied by decent black heels and a few accessories here and there. I straightened my hair and that braided back some of my hair so that on both sides it met at the back of my head. Both Mads and I had light natural makeup and we each had a stylish clutch.

“Mind telling me where we are going.” I say as I follow Mads out to my car. Of course she is driving, she doesn’t like drinking whilst out but she has one or two nothing too crazy.

“It’s a surprise, all I can tell you it’s somewhere loud and dark with neon lights everywhere!” Mads has loads of excitement in her voice and I can’t help but giggle at her. She starts the car up and the radio is on full blast, we sing along to whatever song comes on. I have a TERRIBLE voice; I could kill any innocent animal with it! However Mads has an amazing voice which covers up my terrible one too bad she doesn’t do much with it.

Finally we pull up outside a familiar nightclub. ‘Dancing Dukes.’ I’ve been here once or twice, they have decent prices for their drinks considering entry price is fairly expensive. Surprisingly we just walk straight in without paying, I noticed Mads show the man something quickly but we were let straight in. I was getting extremely excited, I love nightclubs just because I could go loose and wild. Without hesitation I go to the bar and order myself a light beer. Just before I pay Mads hands me a card.

“Use this, it’s all paid for.” I smile at her at show my card to the bar tender and he scans it. I take my beer and sit at a booth with Mads.

“Spotted any hot guys?” I ask while glancing around the nightclub.

“Actually yeah I have, there’s five of them. Oh what’s this, they seem to be coming closer to us!” Mads says in a tone I know too well. I look closer and recognise one of them.

“Niall...” I whisper, Mads looks at me with a huge smile and she gets up and runs up to them and hugs Niall then the rest of them. They make their way slowly over to where I’m sitting.

“Congratulations on the job Ellie!” Niall yells over the loud music. Relax Ellie, relax, he is not going to ruin your night.

“Thank you Niall!” I say with a huge smile, hey I’m really happy about my job!

“Well this is Harry.” Niall points at the one with the curlyish hair, it’s styled up into a quiff that may I add looks really sexy. Shh I didn’t say that. “This is Louis.” He points to the one with the angelic voice. “Zayn.” The one with the darker hair. “And this is Liam.” He pulls Liam to his side and I smile at him.

“Hi Ellie, we  have heard so much about you, I hope you don’t mind us joining your celebration party!” He says loudly over the music.

“The more the merrier. Nice to meet you, I hope they are all good things.” I give Liam a wink and go on to say hi to all the other boys.

Soon we all have a drink and are chatting at the booth, I can’t help but notice Niall staring at me quite often. The song changes and immediately I recognise it, Timber by Pitbull. Lately I’ve had a strange obsession with that song and as the song starts I start bopping around.

“You’re busting to dance.” Niall says while getting up and walking over to me. I’m on the edge of the booth closest to the dancefloor and Niall was opposite me.

“What!?” I yell over the music,

“DO YOU WANT TO DANCE?!” Niall yells loud and clear. I nod my head slowly and Niall takes me to the dance floor. I start slow, I’m not sure of what to do, I’m an alright dancer but not when it comes to dancing with others. Slowly I loosen up and I can tell Niall does as well and soon I’m moving my body in time with the music. More people gather around the dance floor and I notice Mads and the rest of the boys dancing in a big group. Niall and I slowly get closer as people push us in. Honestly I don’t mind, I’m just going in time with the music.

“You’re really good.” Niall says as he gets pushed in closer, close enough that we are almost touching.

“Thanks!” One beer can make me silly sometimes, I get happier and get loads more energy. Niall comes closer, without the push of others. He takes my hand and pulls me in closer, I smile and continue dancing. I’m now right up against him dancing along with him, his hand pulls away from mine and makes it’s way down to my hip and he hold me on both sides as I dance with him.

The song ends and is replaced by another and before we know it about 5 more songs roll on. Niall and I are still pressed tightly together, dancing and dancing. Without warning a much slower comes on, Jason Derulo’s ‘Marry Me.’ I’ve always had a soft spot for this song, I really like it. Niall looks down at me and we stop dancing, slowly he wraps his arms around me and I find myself putting my arms up to his shoulders and around his neck.

“How many girls in the world can make me feel like this?

Baby I don’t ever plan to find out.

The more I look, the more I find the reasons why,

You’re the love of my life.”

Niall sings as he leans in closer to me with his head. I look up at him and smile softly. He smiles back at me. Without any warning what so ever I lean in and close the gap between us. Niall slowly places his lips on mine and kisses me slowly and sweetly. I kiss him back, seconds in the kiss I can’t help but smile. We pull away at the same time and Niall’s smile is brighter than the sun. He holds me tighter and I cuddle into his chest, my smile never disappearing.

A/N: Yay for #Eliall Hehe aren't they cute? Do you like their ship name? If you have any suggestions please fire them at me.

Xox Kat

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