Chapter Forty Two: The Look Of Disgust

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I woke up in the exact same spot as where I went to sleep, my jumper was damp and the grass surrounding me was covered in dew. I shivered as I sat up and took in my surroundings, if the circumstances were different I would smile at the beautiful environment around me but really there was nothing to smile about. I dug my hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone and switched it on. I watched as all the texts and missed calls from Niall came through.

I’m worried, tell me where you are.

I can’t find you anywhere.

I care about you, I really do and I really want to know what’s wrong.

I don’t know when you’re going to get this text but the house will be empty, I’ve gone out. Don’t expect me back.

The very last text stung, has Niall left me or good? Will I have to find my own way home? My eyes started singing once again as I held back my tears. I slowly got up and started walking to god knows where, it’s an island I would eventually end up back at the house. I wasn’t sure if I should send Niall a text or not, clearly he’s not happy with me. What set me off, why did I snap at him? He doesn’t deserve this, he’s done nothing wrong.

Before I knew it I came across the beach where I could see the main land off in the far distance. I spotted a few boats here and there and then I realised that one was coming this way. I backed away and started heading to the house, knowing exactly where I was. I opened the door, everything was exactly how we had left it, and it didn’t even look like anyone had been in here since I left. I went straight to the bedroom unsure of what I was going to do but ended up chucking several things into a small bag. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower and then I left again. I don’t know where I’m going or what I’m doing but I just simply walked to the place where Niall and I had arrived a couple nights ago. I got in one of the small boats and started it up, and headed back to the main island. Suddenly I remembered the boat that had been headed this way and looked around the area, suddenly afraid of whom it was.

That’s when I spotted them, in amongst the tall reeds was one single man sitting in his boat with a camera in hand. I turned away and tried to ignore the thought of being pictured looking like this but it was no use once I heard their boat starting up. Soon I was being followed across the spread of water by a pap that was extremely keen to get photos of me. No doubt they would be all over the internet in less than an hour.

Finally arriving at the main land I got out of the boat, leaving it tied to the dock and I just walked. I knew I was being followed by the same pap but I really couldn’t care less anymore. For all I care he could snap pictures of me throwing up and it wouldn’t even matter. I walked through the small town, there was barely anyone around and it all seemed a little eerie and creepy. I followed a path that led to a small little café which seemed nice and cosy. Before entering the café I turned to face the now 3 paps following me.

“Excuse me, but could you please just leave me to be?” I said as kindly as I could, I stared at them as they just looked at each other and laughed.

“Why did you leave the romantic island?”

“Is it true you’re pregnant?”

“Isn’t it someone elses baby though?”

“Where is Niall?”

“Why would you hurt yourself?”

“Is it true you started cutting?”

I shut my eyes and blocked out their voices and I stormed into the café, one of the workers saw the paps and quickly locked the doors behind me.

“Is everything alright?” She asked in a soft sweet voice.

Finding Me {Niall Horan} completedWhere stories live. Discover now