Chapter Thirty Eight: Procrastinating

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Ellie’s POV

Packing can be fun, or it can be horribly boring. I get easily side tracked which is why here I am writing. It’s been a while, almost a full month. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and well I’m spending Christmas with Niall. Mads did come back, but it was very brief. In fact it was the same day the boys Christmas album went on sale. The 1st of December. She stayed for about a week but then once again left, leaving only a note explaining that she would be away until the New Year. I still haven’t met Eleanor; I haven’t even talked about her with Louis. Alex and Liam sadly went on a break because of a stupid fight, but it’s alright they’re back together again. Once finishing the album with the boys Perrie and the other girls offered me a job to work with them, I wanted to accept but I had grown close to Deliah and many of the other employees at my work. Oh boy, I just love procrastinating don’t I? I’m supposed to be leaving in an hour and I still have a suitcase to pack. Niall is taking me to Ireland up until the 29th and then he is taking me to some surprise holiday place until the 8th of January so it’s going to be a good holiday. A long one, which means loads of clothes to pack.

“Ellie! Where did you put my toothbrush?” Alex called out from somewhere near. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Mads told her to move in with me, Alex accepted immediately and well it’s been crazy since.

“I didn’t touch your toothbrush! Go bloody find it yourself!” I called out as I dumped a pile of jumpers and sweaters into my suitcase.

“Well fine then!” I couldn’t hold back a laugh at Alex’s childish behaviour. It’s been chaos, she loves losing things and half the time they end up in my room which doesn’t help my case. The one good thing about having her living with me is the food she cooks. She is the best cook although a messy and loud one. She cooked pizza the other night and only cleaned up the mess this morning, TWO DAYS LATER! Of course she expected me to clean it for her but I held my ground, like usual.

“It’s alright I found it!” Alex yelled shorty after I zipped up my small suitcase, only the big one left to go. Before I had time to reply she came into my room and sat on my very messy bed. “How long till Niall gets here? Oooh and can I use your car whilst you’re away?” Alex looked down at her phone. “Oh and how often do I feed the fish? Look at this! It would look great in the living room don’t you think?” Alex shoved her phone in my face and on the screen was a rug that would in fact suit the living room.

“What is this? A game of 20 questions? About 30 minutes, and with the car only if you promise to not crash and please remember to fill it up. The fish only once a day and no we already have a nice rug.”

“Okay!” Alex jumped up and left the room all whilst humming a tune that I didn’t recognise. I shook my head as I continued packing the majority of my winter clothes into my suitcase.

I heaved a sigh of relief as I zipped up my suitcase and moved it onto the floor beside my other one. I quickly cleaned up my room and placed a few things in my on board bag. I fixed up my hair and slipped on something for suitable and finished just before the doorbell rang. Alex got there before me as usual and was in the middle of a friendly hug with Niall. Just before Niall moved onto me my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it was my mum.

“Sorry, I have to take this.” I said before going into my room and answering the call.

“Ellie, I thought you wouldn’t pick up for a second there.” My mum said softly into the phone.

“Yeah sorry, Niall just got here and I had to excuse myself.”

“Fair enough. I just wanted to wish you a safe flight. Ring or text me when you land okay?”

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