Chapter Forty Four: Birthday

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It’s been a while hasn’t it? Over a month. Guess what day it is today? IT’S MY BIRTHDAY! I’m now 21 and I’m just about to head out to my dinner party thing. Niall and Alex organised it together, everyone is invited, my parents’, all the boys, the girls from Little Mix. Sean and Aimee, even Aimee’s family is coming. Deliah is coming, Drake was going to come but he had a bit of work to do. Since my incident with the self-harm I have left my job but I’ve stayed in contact with Deliah and Drake, they were so good to me. We’re all meeting at this nice but laid back restaurant on the outside of London, afterwards the majority of people will come back to the boys house and apparently there will be another party there.

I quickly checked my phone, I had 5 minutes to kill seeing as Niall wanted to leave at 5 and it’s only 4:53. My hair and makeup is already all done and my dress was on and I was ready to go. I chose a black dress, no not one of those skimpy tight ones but one that flows out just above my knees. It’s quite cute actually, there is a blue strap around my waist which matches my hair bow and surprisingly the clutch I decided on. Alex had helped me cover up my cuts with some incredible invention known as ‘fake skin’ which I debated against for a while but finally agreed. Yeah they had healed to some extent but they were still really visible and I didn’t really want to be photographed with them showing. I knew for a fact that paps would be everywhere, shouting things at me and everyone else but honestly for one night I’m going to shut them out and just forget about them. Sure the hate still gets to me and there has been many times where I have wanted to hurt myself again but someone important has always been there to stop me.

“Ellie, you ready to go now? I was just told that the car is already…” Niall stopped suddenly and I turned to face him, confused at his sudden actions. “You, Ms Stevens look absolutely beautiful! Won’t you get cold though?” I laughed at Niall and then picked up the cute small blue cardigan that was laying on the bed.

“Not with this, now let’s go! I’m ready to party!” I smiled and linked arms with Niall before dragging him out of the bedroom. Together we walked out to the front and quickly got in the car, ignoring the small crowd of people out the front.

The drive took a little longer than expected seeing as the driver had to lose about 3 cars that were following us. Once we finally arrived at the restaurant the amount of people out the front begun to scare me. No, I won’t allow anything to ruin my night! Obviously people had seen the other boys and well everyone else arrive here and in result to that the crowd built up. The door was opened for Niall and I and a couple of security guards and the police created some room for Niall and I to walk to the front door. Niall held my hand tightly and gave it a squeeze once we made it inside the restaurant that had been reserved just for us. After all there are a lot of people here tonight. Everyone seemed to be already seated and once they saw Niall and I they all got up and started saying their hello’s to the two of us.

Niall had booked two private photographers to attend the event and take pictures, they of course had to agree to all the terms and conditions. We got straight into the food and it was absolutely delicious. First to make a toast was David, then it was Sean and then Niall made a lovely one. He got really emotional in it and I swear I saw a tear slip down his cheek which was why when he sat down I made sure to give him a big hug. I could tell that everyone else was having a lovely time and by the end of the dinner I decided to give my speech, which unfortunately ended up with me in tears. But you shall not worry because I knew that was going to happen so I made sure to wear mascara that I knew wouldn’t run, genius if I don’t say so myself. 

I made sure to thank everyone who wasn’t joining us for the house party for coming and then we were on our way back to the boys home. The crowd outside had built up and the screaming hurt my ears, I could hear all the voices but I couldn’t make out a single word they were saying. I in that moment was the happiest girl alive; I had my boyfriend beside me and not far behind were all my closest friends. This, was exactly how I wanted to spend my 21st birthday.

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