Chapter Thirty: Just Lose It

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Niall was up before me and already gone, he wasn’t joking when he said he had to leave early in the morning. I found a note on the bedside table and I smiled as I recognised his sloppy handwriting.

Morning Ellie,

Actually I don’t know what time it is for you considering how late we went to bed. Well I’m stuffed but pumped for today. We’ll be back at around 5, we’ve decided to spend the night in once more, however we are having a dinner with some people over. Zayn invited Perrie so she is coming. Liam wanted Alex and Dayna to come and they are. Eleanour couldn’t make it though. Sean will be coming with his girlfriend so yeah be ready for a big dinner. Don’t worry you won’t need to do anything, on the way back we will get the tea and everything will be a-okay.

Love you lots and have a good day, a little birdy told me you were catching up with Alex?

Love from Niall. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

I smiled as I took in all the hugs and kisses Niall wrote for me, he’s so cute. Well today will be interesting. I send Alex a text, asking what time she wants me to pick her up and she soon replies saying any time suites her. I begin getting ready; I take a shower and straighten my hair afterwards. I tie it back in a simply pony tail and apply a very small amount of make-up. I’m ready by 10:30, which means that I took just under a hour. I leave and very shortly I arrive at Alex’s house, well apartment. I climb one flight of stairs and knock on the door with the number 14 engraved on them. Alex opens the door with a smile and immediately exits her apartment.

“Hey!” She says as she engulfs me in a hug.

“Hey, how’s it going?” I ask as we begin walking back to my car. We keep a steady conversation whilst driving to the fair in which we spend a lovely 4 hours wandering around. Several times a few people ask for pictures, obviously they now know Alex. Several ask if she’s dating Liam but she denies it and assures them that they are just friends. However every time she is asked a smile creeps up onto her face. When we get back I set the table for 10 people and boy it’s going to be a crowded dinner table. Niall texts me a 4:30 to say they have just left to go pick up the food and that they would be 45 minutes tops.

“They should be here any minute now.” I say as I join Alex on the couch.

“Alright, did Niall mention what time everyone would start arriving for dinner?” Alex asks, putting down her phone to take a sip of the juice I got for her.

“No not sure.”

“Do you want me to text Liam and ask him?”  Alex picked her phone up again and looked at me waiting for a reply.

“Uhh, if you want.” Alex nods and taps away on her phone, almost immediately she gets a reply.

“Everyone will be coming at at 5:30 and we’ll start eating at 6:30.” Without looking up she types a reply back to Liam which just goes back and forth for another 5 minutes before she finally puts her phone down and announces that she and I quote ‘need to take a piss.’ I laugh as she literally dances to the bathroom, leaving me in silence. I stare at the clock, it reads 4:54 now 4:55. I hear one car door slam followed by several more, I literally jump off the couch open the door and run outside, I push past Liam and Harry who are holding bags and I run to Niall and wrap my arms around him. Nialls laugh is muffled by my hair as he hugs me back, resting his chin on the top of my head.

“Well someone was eager to see me again!” Niall exclaims as I pull away and smile up at him.

“Very.” I say sticking my tongue out at him. Together we walk inside to see everyone setting down their things and then saying hello to Alex. I keep an eye on the way Liam acts around her, it’s a bit sus but he greets her like normal.

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