Chapter Twenty Three: Haunt

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A/N: I’m doing things a little different this chapter, because of Ellie blacking out I’m moving to Niall’s POV for a while, just to change it up a little. I won’t do it often but it’s kind of necessary now.

Nialls POV

I woke up to a quiet little bang followed by a low murmur. I stirred before opening my eyes, finding myself right where I first went to sleep. Last night I held Ellie in my arms until she drifted off, soon after I left her thinking that she might prefer to be alone. I came to my room and fell asleep shortly after. I woke up once during the night when I heard footsteps outside my room but I didn’t bother to check seeing as most of the time Liam gets up to have a drink and potter around when he can’t sleep.

Pulling on some warmer clothes I made my way downstairs deciding against going into Ellie’s room to check if she was awake, I’ll give the girl some time to herself. Liam and Harry were up, which surprised me because as I checked the time I realised that Harry is up rather early. 7:00 is normal time for Liam but for Harry it’s something rather different. Flopping onto the couch I turned the TV on only to have in blast back in my face, I raced to turn the volume down in hope that I hadn’t woken anyone up especially Zayn.

“Where’s Ellie?” Liam asks as he joins me.

“I think she’s still asleep, she wasn’t 100% last night. I’ll check on her later.” I say switching the channel several times finally stopping on a news update.

“One Directions plans for their new Christmas Album are well under way, the boys confirming the rumours in an interview two days ago, which was only just released last night. The Christmas Album isn’t the only talk though, Niall confirmed his relationship with Ellie Stevens, 20 year old Londoner who is said to have known the blonde heart throb for a good few years, seeing as her twin is ‘best friends’ with the pop star” The news reporter says as pictures of Ellie and I pop up on the screen, most of them being taken before we were ‘together.’ I realise that this is another one of those lame gossip shows that I don’t have time for. Switching the TV off I get up off the couch.

“How long have you known her?” Liam asks following me into the kitchen.

“Not long at all actually, Sean took me to a family dinner or something and that’s when I met her.”

“Wait… Is Sean her twin?” Liam says stopping me in my tracks.

“Yeah.” I answer trying to move forward again.

“Then you’ve known her longer, you guys went to the same school!” Liam says, I smile slightly as I remember finding out that we went to the same school.

“Yeah but I never saw her, Sean never introduced me to her and she was never home when I went around to their place. I didn’t have any classes with her either.” I say, Liam nods and finally lets me continue walking to the kitchen.

“Hey guys, where’s Ellie?” Harry asks re appearing in the kitchen.

“In her room.” I say opening the cupboard and retrieving a glass from inside.

“No she’s not, I just walked passed, the door was slightly open and she wasn’t in there.” Harry continues as he pulls out a bar stool, plopping down on it and tapping the kitchen counter.

“She could be in the bathroom.” Liam offers.

“I was just coming back from there, definitely not in there.” Now I start panicking.

“Well where else could she be?” I say putting my glass in the sink and leaving the kitchen in a rush.

“Niall calm down, she’s probably just in another room or something, exploring! Remember when… When Danielle first came, we though we lost her but she was just looking in some rooms.” Liam says, a sad smile washing over his face as he relives the first time he brought Danielle over. I nod my head and slow down, checking a few rooms here and there before moving upstairs.

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