Chapter Twenty Two: Broken

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I slip the strap of my handbag over my shoulder, exiting my bedroom I close the door behind me. Brunch was delicious and seeing Zayn again was good, he informed us that his family is okay. It was just a little health scare that ended up being false. Niall is taking me out today, we’re going to walk around London and seeing as the weather is alright we’re actually walking. I’m wearing my favourite high waisted shorts and a grey singlet with frills on the ends. I have a light cardigan that’s a light dusty shade of blue. Falling back into usual routine I’m wearing my light average make up and my hair is pulled back into a simple ponytail.

“Have fun!” Harry says from his position on the couch, his phone in his hands.

“Thanks, I will.” I say with a curt nod. “What are you boys planning to do today?” I ask taking a seat on the armrest of the couch.

“I’m going to go and walk around for a bit, hopefully meet some fans, make their day. If it gets too crazy I’ll just come back, I’ve got all my escape routes in plan.” Harry says with a laugh.

“I’m going with you!” Louis announces as he comes running down the stairs. Sunglasses and phone in hand.

“Fine, but you know how this always ends!” Harry says with an eye roll.

“Honestly I don’t care about that anymore! They can think what they want to think, I just want to spend time with my best friend and our fans.” Louis says as he literally jumps onto the couch, half landing on Harry. I raise my eye brow as I have no clue what so ever of what they are talking about.

“Long story…” Harry says once Louis shifts over a litte. Next to emerge from his routine of getting ready is Liam, seeing as his room is right next to Liam I walk up to him.

“How much longer is Niall going to take?” I ask walking beside Liam as he heads to the kitchen.

“Last I saw of him he was standing in front of the mirror fixing his hair.” I laugh at this but stop once Liam continues, “he’s always trying to look his best for you, and here I was thinking that, that’s the girls job!” Liam laughs this time whereas I just giggle.

“ELLIE!!! YOU READY TO GO YET?!” I hear Niall yell from upstairs. I supress a giggle as I start to run towards him.

“I don’t know Niall, are you?” I say as he comes out of his room. He smiles as he sees me and I hold in a laugh as I realise that his hair has been done as if a stylist had spent hours on him.

“You look beautiful!” Niall says, pulling me into a hug.

“You look handsome, which must be a relief to you seeing as you put so much effort into your hair!” I giggle as Niall pulls back and gives me a look. “Liam said you were trying your best to look good for me! Niall usually the girl does that! And you’re perfect either way!” I say giving him a cheeky smile.

“None of that cheekiness! You’ll see.” Niall says, taking my hand and leading me downstairs. I follow behind him as we say goodbye to everyone else and make our way outside. Niall slips his sunnies on and pulls me closer to him. We walk for a few minutes till we get spotted by two girls. They don’t scream nor cry, they just act normally as they come up and ask for a picture. I step back only to be interrupted.

“No! We want you in it too Ellie! We love you!” One of the girls says with a massive smile. I smile back at her and go back to standing beside Niall. The girls stand on either side of us and the one with the phone reaches out and takes the photo. Then the other girl gets out her phone and takes quite a few pictures, we make silly faces and end up laughing.

“Thank you so much Ellie and Niall!” One of the girls says, tucking her phone into her pocket.

“It was an honour. That’s my very first encounter with Nialls fans as his girlfriend.” I say smiling at Niall. He nods and pulls me in for a hug.

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