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Third Person

It was quiet in the house, Niall hadn't said a word since being at the burial site and everyone else was just making small conversation. Alex had gone straight home, back to her parents' home because being in the apartment was too much for her. Liam is worried about her, everyone is including Niall. Harry was the other silent one, he was on his phone once again and on Twitter. He was watching as all the tweets about Ellie were rolling in. So many girls who he knew had been hating on her were offering their condolences but Harry didn't buy it.

"Niall do you want anything?" Louis asked from the kitchen. Niall remained silent, causing Louis to join him in the lounge room. "We'll be alright, I know we will." Louis wrapped his arms around Niall. Together and silently they cried over the loss of their friend.

Harry put his phone away and sat opposite Louis and Niall; he too was tearing up and was ready to join the hug. In no time everyone was in the hug, supporting Niall.

"Thanks guys, I don't know what I would do without you guys." Niall whispered whilst still in the hug. Although he wasn't comfortable in the tight embrace he was grateful for the friends that he has.

"We'll always be here. I spoke to Management, they are okay with us postponing everything." Liam said as he was the first to pull out of the embrace.

"Thanks, I don't think I would've been able to go on the stage." Niall finally said once everyone got out of the group hug.

"It's alright mate, now with my question from earlier do you want anything?" Louis asked, he got up and leaned against the wall.

"No, I think I'm just going to go up to my room and just think." Everyone nodded and Niall got up and went into his room. He thought about all the good times he had with Ellie and found himself in tears through every memory. He then took to twitter and tweeted out about Ellie, saying that she would be missed. He favourite and retweeted a few tweets before going of Twitter and shutting his laptop down. That night Niall didn't sleep, his dreams would get the better of him so instead he stayed up, talking to Ellie as if she was right beside him.

A/N: Alright, so that's the end of Finding Me! *cries*

Now time for me to do all my thanking, here goes.

Firstly I would like to thank Alex. She's been there the whole time and when I needed motivation to write there she was commenting like crazy on my chapters. I'm about 100% sure that she has voted for each and every chapter and I love her for that. Not only has she done that but she has also edited a few chapters but we both got lazy in that so she stopped.

And Bec, you've been great! I love that you have read my fanfic 3.45 times. It means a lot.

Also a massive thank you to:

@halfaheart_without1d for making the first and original cover of Finding Me. I might change the cover in the future but I am unsure.

@_onedxrection @velvet_sky @tumblr_dream1 @_xloucelsButchx_ @swaggy_aly5 and @kb6898 You guys come up under the Who's Reading which I think are the people who have voted numerous times so THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU!

And a massive thank you to all my readers who have stuck by me as I was horrible at updating and just lacking motivation. Also to everyone who follows me, thank you!



Ps. If you enjoyed this please read my new story Killing Time, it's a Harry fanfiction and I'm working very hard on it. I would love it if you gave it a read, you can find it on my profile :) and I promise it's not as depressing as this, I couldn't do that to you guys again.

Finding Me {Niall Horan} completedWhere stories live. Discover now