Chapter Thirty Nine: Story Of My Life

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Christmas Eve dinners have always been my favourite, just because there was always so much excitement back when I was a little kid. The attempts that night to stay up and catch Santa delivering the presents, the hoping that he would come and leave behind a large amount of presents. The debates about what cookie should be left out and how many carrots to leave for the reindeers, the songs that were sung to make sure that the jolly man would come. Christmas Eve, it all happened on Christmas Eve. I think I may have enjoyed it more than Christmas day itself, sure I would open loads of presents but even as a young girl I always had a different view on Christmas.

Maura had made a lovely roast, I couldn’t help but go for seconds it was that good. Everyone came to Niall’s house although we didn’t have to do much, all we did was set the table and give the house a little clean up. After dinner I offered to do the washing up but Maura and Denise insisted that they do it so instead I kept an eye on Theo. He wasn’t much work, he seemed fairly entertained by the toys that had been brought along although he kept throwing them to the other side of the blanket. The boy’s got a good arm alright. Niall, Bobby and Greg were all fixing something or the other in the back yard. Apparently the shed was a little damaged, who knows they were very brief about it.

“How’s my little boy doing?” Denise cooed as she picked Theo up. I smiled at the mother and son sight, one day that might even be me. No, don’t start thinking that far ahead, no need for that.

“He’s really interactive for his age.” I said as I got up and sat on the couch. Denise smiled at me before setting Theo back down on the blanket.

“He’s growing up quickly.” We watched as Theo began playing with the toys once again. “You seemed to do completely fine with him before, do you have much experience?” Denise asked as she leant back.

“Yeah, I used to baby sit my sisters kids. They were a handful.” I laughed as I remembered how much trouble they were for me.

“You have a sister?”

“Yeah, an older one, then there’s Sean who you’ve probably met.” I tucked my feet under myself just as Maura came in the room.

“Once or twice. He’s very nice and polite.” I nodded my head although that didn’t sound like Sean at all, he was very sarcastic just like me so that surprised me.

“You clearly didn’t know him very well. Yes he is a lovely boy but he has a sarcastic humor which I love. How is Sean anyway? I haven’t seen him in ages!” Maura added in as she joined us in watching Theo.

“Sean is good, I think he was a little rocked after-“

“It’s okay, you don’t have to say I know.” I nodded my head and smiled at Maura before quickly glancing at my phone. I had 2 new messages but it would be rude to go on my phone whilst Niall’s family is around.

When the boys finally returned we all just sat and had decent conversations all while watching Theo be adorable. I had to excuse myself once or twice to go to the bathroom but other than that I gave them my full attention. Theo was soon put to bed in the guest bedroom where a cot had been set up and that’s when Niall got out the alcohol. We had many laughs and I think Bobby got a little tipsy which was very amusing.  

I woke to the sound of laughter,not sure of what time it was seeing as I had woken up many times because of little Theo crying, he has lungs just like Niall. Speaking of Niall, I reached out in search of him laying beside me but he wasn’t there. I turned around to look at the clock and jumped at the time showing. I’m sure 10:30 is past the point of me sleeping in. Just as I was about to stand up Niall came in with a smile on his face and a tray in his hand.

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