4 - Lies!!! All Lies!!! TT

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Damn it this hang over. I can't even fuckin' lift my head from my pillow. To make matters worse, someone in the same floor as we are is playing very loud music very early in the morning - I think it's early. 

I glance at the clock - 10 AM. Ten fucking AM. Lord have mercy. 

As painful as it is, I crawl off my bed - literally - and go to the door - on all fours. "Can you lower your stupid volume." I shout once I manage to open the door a bit. 

Just at the same time as someone from the room across ours yells, too. "What the fuckin' hell are you thinking?" I'm still on my knees and hands and look up. Mark's angry face looks down on me. Suddenly he cracks up, pointing at me on the floor. "What's wrong with you?" I just glare at him. 

I'm about to shout again when the other door opens and Junior comes out, looking fresh with his wet, newly-showered hair, and bright morning smile. "I'm sorry," he starts, "Jackson's mu..." then he sees me. "What are you doing there?"

I realize I look like a total moron with my unkempt hair covering half of my shitty, hangover, puffed up face, my mouth agape. My arm gives in under me and I almost hit my face on the floor. I hear Mark laugh harder this time. I quickly withdraw inside the room, crawling backwards and shut the door with a loud bang. 

I feel my cheeks all red and I clamber back to my bed, covering my face with the blanket. Fuck. Why do I have to embarrass myself in front of him? AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! 

When I can finally get up on my feet - after two or three more hours, I wash off all the stinking smell from last night's gala. It was fun, and new. But, Mark's sorry face is still in my mind. 

"Fuck your bestfriend! Just tell her to tell me if she wants to break up. Not like this. She's leaving me hanging. I thought she said she loves me. Fuck her."

I do feel sorry for that ass. Although I was tempted to tell him everything last night because of my drunken state, too, Junior stopped me. Thank you God for sending me that angel to stop me from blabbering. 

The thought of him makes me blush again. Last night, before I get in my room, he called me his "crazy girl". AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

"Good night my crazy girl." 


"Yeah...." he smiled. "I like crazy."

Who wouldn't go insane on that? I know I did. And I still am. Should I just go all out crazy then? Haha....Just kidding. But, damn it. 

I'm surprised, so is everybody, when I get down to the kitchen and see Mark cooking. After his tantrums last night, I thought he'd go back to sulking again. Is he still drunk? 

I go behind him slowly. 


"God Damn It, Rascal!" He yells, dropping the whole egg on the floor. It breaks just near his feet, splattering some of the yolk on his white socks. "Fuck! Look what you made me do!!!"

I can't stop laughing as I watch him grab napkins from the counter and wipe off the eeky liquid from his feet. 

"What was that?" I ask him, still can't control my giggles, when he grumbles something under his breath. 

"I said, you act like a freakin' fourteen year old, rascal. Grow up!" He dumps the soiled napkins in the bin and continues with his cooking, looking really pissed off right now. 

"Anyway," I sit on the tall stool by the counter, "did I miss something? Why are you cooking?" I look at the other people seated around the table and they just shrug. "Hey, Twain! What happened to you? You were just crying last night." I call his attention when he doesn't answer, and laugh. "I don't ever want to see her again!" I mimic how he said it and laugh some more. The others are chuckling quietly, too. Angie shakes her head at me, asking me to stop. Instead, I throw him a grape I got from the fruit bowl on the counter and it hits him straight in the middle of his head. "I don't want to eat cause my girlfriend's not here," I make a really irritating voice. 

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