28 - Mark V

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Cristina's hiding something from me. Checking on Lara's condition and confirming her relationship with Sean aren't the only things she came here for, I notice that now. But, what? 

She just came back from talking to Lara and she looks like shit. I notice her cheeks so red. I quickly take her in my arms, cursing at myself for letting her go there alone. Could Lara have hurt her? Is it because of me? Or something else?

I love her. I truly do. My heart is aching at the sight of her like this. I try to tell her that, but she doesn't seem to believe me. Her mind is full of doubts. She keeps questioning why I'm here. Can't she see? I want to help her, but she keeps on pushing me away. And whatever this is they're doing or trying to find out is even more complicated than what I think it was. 

Earlier, I tried asking Trey what this trip is really about. But, she, too, won't say anything except, "I think she just wants to talk to Lara." That's it. I know she was lying. There's something more. I just can't put my hand on it.

"Cristina." I grab onto her arm as we go out the hotel. They're driving me to Lara's place. 


"I really don't know what I have to do for you to believe me, but after all this, I hope you give me a chance to prove that I'm telling you the truth." I tell her. 

She furrows her brows, licking her lips and looks down at her feet. She doesn't say anything though. She nods and starts for the car. 


I really didn't want to talk to Lara. Not now. Not ever. I don't think I need to. I don't need to hear her explanation nor her lies. I just agreed to go there because there was something in Cristina's eyes last night that made me say yes. 

"Do you want me to?" I asked her, looking straight into her eyes. 

"Yes." She answered, not even flinching. 

Before I went in my room I talked to her alone. "Cristina. Do you not trust me?" I asked her. 

"No." She shakes her head. "Not at all." She sighs. "I hope I'm wrong though."

If talking to Lara would put a stop to her doubts, then so be it. 

"Mark!" Lara looks like she doesn't expect me to be here at all. The very first thing I notice is that she's all dressed up, complete with her hair curled and her make up done. If this is what you call sick, then just kill me. 

Her brows furrow and her lips curl. Then her sobs follow. She should be receiving a best actress award or something. 

"I missed you!" She takes a step closer, but she stops when she notices me taking a few steps back. 

I was afraid I would feel the same hurt I felt the first time I learned about her and Sean and of her not really being sick. But, right now, just anger. I'm angry at her for lying to me ... to Cristina. For hurting her like that. For letting her believe in her lies. For stabbing her in the past....just...for everything she's done to her. 

"I'm sorry, Mark. I really am. Sean ... he's nothing. Please believe me." She reaches for my hand, trying to link our fingers. "It's just one time. And we just kissed. Just that."

I just watch her as her tears flow freely down her cheeks. She looks like she's panicking as I don't make any sound. 

"Mark. Please. I love you, you know that right?" She pauses, staring straight into my eyes with a face that once moved me. "Babe, listen to me. My medication is almost over. We'll be together very soon. I won't leave you with Cristina ever again. I promise."

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