chapter 9: visitors

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Pan's POV

That talk with Lilth did not go as planned. I basically got no information out of her. All I know now is that she is competition and that I have to make sure she doesn't get to Henry. I walked back to camp and sat down on the nearest log. Most of the boys were out hunting so I had the whole camp practically to myself. I decided that if I wanted to live then I better get a move on with the whole Henry-trust thing. I got off the log and strutted over to Henry who was sitting lazily at the bottom of a tree.

"Hey henry" I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Hi" he replied nonchalantly.

"Do you want to see something cool?" I asked him.

He looked at me and sighed. "Pan, there isn't any ice on Neverland." he said, cracking up at his own joke.

"Really?" I asked, my eyebrows raised. "Aren't you more mature than that? How old are you, 100?"

He gave me a look that said 'really' and started to get up

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He gave me a look that said 'really' and started to get up. I joined him and smirked.

"I'm 10" he said.

"Right. Do you still wanna see something cool?"

"No thanks" he replied and walked off.

This time I actually let him. If I kept following him, he would know something was up so I decided to walk back into my tent and have a nap.

------------------------------------------------------------2 hours later---------------------------------------------------


Still Pan's POV...

I woke up about 2 hours later to find the lost boys back from their hunt. It was bordering on night and it was getting cold so I walked out to the fire and sat in front of the fire and pulled out my pipe. As I begun to play, the boys dropped their weapons and started to dance around the fire. The excitement on their faces as they danced made me smirk. I have an entire army of lost boys and what does Lily have... Nothing!

A couple of hours later, the party died down and the fire had almost gone out. Some of the younger lost boys went to bed but the older ones stayed outside, talking and sword fighting. I was happy with my progress with Henry, I made him smile today which is a start. All I have to do is get him to feel safe and secure, which means no games!

-------------------------------------------- Meanwhile in Storybrooke--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rumple's POV

We have found a way to the island and are preparing the ship. Hook has got a bean that will transport us to Neverland along with the help of his ship. Miss swan, The Charming's, Regina, Hook and Belle have gathered on the docks and their loved ones are bidding them farewell. I say goodbye to Belle and get on the ship once we are all on board, Hook throws the bean into the water and our ship is engulfed by the waves.

---------------------------------------------------- Back in Neverland---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pan's POV

I was still contemplating what to do when my senses started tingling. I smirked... someone is on the island!

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