chapter 13: where is she?!

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Pan's POV

"Where is she!" I growled to mini, one of the lost boys. "You were supposed to be tracking her movements, knowing where she goes!"

He cowered in fear, he knows what I can do. "I'm sorry Pan, I fell asleep and next thing I knew, she was gone!"

"Oh, you will be sorry"

"Pease pan, please don't" he begged.

"Sorry, I'm not much for mercy"

Then I stuck my hand into his chest and he screamed out in pain.

When my hand came back out, I was holding a red, glowing organ... his heart.

"Please Pan, please have mer..."

But before he could finish I crushed his heart, squeezing slowly until it turned to ash.

Lilth's POV

I could hear the scream from a mile away, the rest of Henry's family did too.

"What was that?" asked David.

I shuddered. "Pan"

"How could he do something so inhuman?" asked Mary-Margaret horrified.

"he's Peter Pan, he can do whatever he wants" I replied.

"Sad, but true" quipped Hook.

We walked until the sun had reached the west of the sky and then decided to split up and look for food.

"Mary-Margaret and David, go get coconuts. Regina, Hook and I can go get mangoes and apples and Lilth, you can stay here" announced Emma.

"Actually, I can go get apples, you can do mangoes Emma" I told her.

Emma looked skeptical but agreed.

"I'll go with the lass" piped up Hook. Everyone looked at him funny and he shrugged. "To make sure she doesn't escape"

"More like to have 'bonding' time with her" mocked Regina, quoting the 'bonding'.

"Ew, he's like 3 times my age" I said.


"Sorry. Its not like your not attractive. You are very hot!"

He smirked. "That came out wrong" I said embarrassed. "I meant, you are good looking, for a pirate"

He smirked again and leaned in close to my ear. "I am looking forward to this bonding time, aren't you?"

I blushed and started to walk away. "Coming?" I called.

He ran after me and led me through the jungle, his hook on my back, guiding me. I have to say, he was definitely a romantic interest.

Ew Lilith, stop thinking like that

He is cute

He is a pirate, stay away

Just let him into your life, he obviously likes you

Stay away, he is nothing but trouble

"Something on your mind, love?" hook asked.

"Nothing much, just thinking" I replied.

"About me?"

I smiled, then comprehended what he said. "What, no?"

He got his face really close to mine and smirked. "You're a bad liar"

"Am not!"

"I love your spunk, my type of girl"

I stared at him. "Are you hitting on me?"

He tried to look innocent.

"What, no?" he replied, his eyes raking up and down my body.

I rolled my eyes. "You're a bad liar" I mimicked him from earlier.

"Maybe I am, or maybe you are just bad at realizing when I am being genuine"

I bit my lip a little. "Oh really?"

We stared into each others eyes for a bit and he started to lean in. I wanted to kiss him, but I wasn't ready. "C'mon, we should look for apples"

He stepped back, a hurt look on his face. "Right, lead the way"

Pan's POV

I sent another one of the lost boys to find Lilth. If she hadn't found Henry's family yet, they would be looking in different places, covering more room. If they were together, it might be time to play a game. I love the fact that Lilth is on the island, makes things more interesting. She has magic, potential and fire, my 3 favourite things. In all honesty, she's my kind of girl, if only she was lost... and a boy, she would make a great edition to my gang. Right now, my goal is to gain Henry's trust, make him feel like everyone else on this island, lost. If I could do that, we could move onto faze 2. If he finds out his family is looking for him, my chances of getting him to give me his heart goes out the window and my immortality goes with it!

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