Chapter 23: Bonds

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"Hello guys, miss me?"

They didn't say anything, just stood there, still.

Mary-Margaret was the first one to speak.

"Lilth?!" she asked.

"Who else?" I replied.

Emma got her sword out of her belt but I waved my hand and it disappeared.

"You're a traitor!" Emma yelled, "We trusted you, you were working for him!"

"No. I wasn't working for him. I was forced to, or he'd kill my friend" I explained to them.

"How can we believe you now?" This time it was Hook to speak. It brought up many emotions but I remembered, I was undercover, he couldn't know.

"Why would I lie to you?"

I spoke to all of them but that comment was directed at Hook.

"Why now?" David asked, "Why help us now?"

"Because my friend is free. Pan can't get him"

"And why should we help you?" Emma asked, "You cost us a chance at Henry! You cunning bitch!"

"You jealous bitch!" I retorted.

"What's going on?" David asked, "Emma, I don't think this is about Henry. Am I right?"

I laughed. "Of course not! Emma likes Hook, that's why she's jealous!"

David had a confused look on his face. "Emma?"

Emma and Hook exchanged a secret look until she looked back at me and smirked.

"Lilth, can I talk to you?" Hook asked.

"Of course"

Emma smirked at me and I got a bad feeling.

Hook led me into a clearing and sighed. "Lilth, when you were gone, something happened"

Oh no, I knew where this was going and I braced myself for what he was about to say.

"Emma and I, we shared a kiss"  he told me.

And in that moment, my heart broke. "And you love her?"

He nodded.

"You know what?" I told him, "I came here because of Pan, because he wanted me to cause a wedge to form between you all. But if I'm right, the others won't know about this. Your secrets will be the thing to drive you apart, not me!"

"Lilth..." he tried to reason.

"No!" I yelled, "Don't touch me! You chose her! You chose Emma!"

"Lilth please..."

"Forget it"

I waved my hand and materialized back in Pan's camp. I couldn't be near them, around them.

I sat down and slumped my back against a tree and cried.

"Why?" I asked myself, "Why not me?"

I suddenly felt a presence in front of me.

"Not now Pan"

"So I take it you heard" he smirked.

Then it hit me like a stack of bricks, and boy did it hurt. "You wanted me to know. You didn't want me to drive a wedge between them, you just wanted me to know about the kiss. Why?!"

"So you would realize that they don't care about you! Regina and Emma don't like you, Hook doesn't love you and Mary-Margaret and David don't trust you." he told me, "I'm not the bad guy"

"I don't want to hear it!" I yelled.

I sat my head in my hands and cried. "Why would you do this to me?"

"I need you to see sense Lilth! You are smart, I am powerful. Be my queen and together we could rule the world!"

I just stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"It wouldn't be an emotional relationship, more of a mutual one. You are my queen and I am your king! If we work together, we could accomplish so much, we could become immortal, all powerful...together"

"And tell me, why should I do this. What do I get out of it? Remember, I am good. Why should I sacrifice my goodness for you?" I questioned.

He smirked. "Number 1, you get the privilege to all of this" he said, scanning his hands down his body. "Free of charge"

I yawned. "Not interested"

"I will teach you to use your powers, to make them stronger and more powerful"

I nodded. "And what can I offer you? What do you get out of it?" I asked him.

He smirked. "You still don't see it, do you? You have so much potential. You could be great but instead you waste that potential on finding they're son?! What have they ever done for you, huh? What have they given you for your help?!"

I gritted my teeth. "Nothing. They have given me nothing."

He smirked. "That's right. They haven't given you anything for your help. All they have done is hurt you and use you"

"You're right" I realised, "All they have done is use me. They don't trust me, they just played with me like a puppet"

Pan smirked. "So why don't we show them that they can't use you anymore. That you side with me and won't take any of their bullshit anymore. You deserve better Lilith"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "And how would you know what I deserve?!"

He grinned. "Because as much as you think otherwise, we aren't very different. We both had a troubling  past and both overcame it. Together, we could overthrow anyone from the evil queen to Hades himself"

"You don't care about me" I smirked, "So why should I trust you?"

"As much as you believe I don't, I do care about you"

He trailed his hands up my arm and down to my waist. He gripped tightly, digging his nails into my sides.

"I'm in" I spoke.

He smirked. "Let's seal that promise"

Pan attached his lips to mine, roughly attacking my plump lips with his warm ones. I didn't even hesitate on kissing him back. I didn't feel guilty at all. His lips slowly moved from my lips to my jaw and down to my collar bone. I lightly pulled on his hair and he smirked. He gripped the back of my neck tighter and continued kissing me, making his way back to my lips.

When we finally pulled apart, I took a deep breath to help my lungs again.

I smirked at him. "That was some kiss"

"I agree" he responded, "How many guys have you kissed?"

I blushed. "Your my first"

He smirked at me. "If it makes you feel any better my queen, you were my first too"

I grinned. "Really?!"

He raised an eyebrow. "You seem surprised"

I looked at my feet. "Well, you were very good"

"I know"

I glared at him.

"Kidding" he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Now" I said, getting down to business, "What do we do now?"

Pan smirked. "Now, we become immortal"

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