Chapter 17: A deal with the devil

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(Pic of Matthew above)

Lilth's POV

It has been 3 days since I made the deal with Pan and I can't take it anymore. I could count the amount of boys that haven't hit on me on one hand, I am constantly made fun of because I am a girl and Pan is always using me as an example for all his games. I have bruises on my arms and legs and my stomach is scraped and scratched from the arrows that have pierced my skin and I am overall, hurting everywhere.

Pan has kept his word and Wendy was flown out of Neverland just after I made the deal. I miss having a girl around, I had a couple of friends back in my world but only a few were girls. We would talk about boys, make-up and clothes but now I have no one to talk to. Thomas has tried to talk to me but I have ignored him and moved on. I have a big thing with trust and when someone breaks it, we're done.

I met a boy, one of the few who didn't make sexual comments to me, and we have been hanging out. His name is Matthew, I guess I like him because he reminds me of Matt. Apparently Pan took him about 10 years ago. He was being abused by his dad and his mum was too drunk to care. I feel really sorry for him but he is a strong boy and says that pity is for the weak.

I cant stop thinking about Henry's family. I have seen Henry around a couple of times but every time I go to talk to him, Pan takes him away and occupies him with something else. I guess he doesn't want Henry knowing his family is here.

I was watching Pan talking to Henry when Pan turned to face me and smirked. He walked towards the log I was sitting on and sat down next to me on the log.

"Like something you see?" he asked smirking.

"What?" I asked.

"You were staring"

"Oh" I replied bluntly.

"So, like something you see?" he asked.

"Yeah" I smirked, "So sexy, great muscles, nice chin"

"Nice eyebrows too" he smirked back.

"I know right! Isn't Henry a stunner?!"

His face was full of shock, amusement, and a hint of anger.

"So, you have a crush on Henry?"

My face flushed. "No"

"Oh, I guess not" Pan responded, "Maybe... Matthew?"

I jumped off the log. "What!?"

"Well, I see you two have gotten quite cozy"

"I do not like Matthew!!!" I yelled.

Pan smirked. Oh no!

"Hi Lilth" said a manly voice from behind.

I turned around. "Hi Matthew" I stuttered.

"Calm down Lilth, its okay. We are just friends, nothing more" Matthew clarified, "Got that Pan"

Pan got off the log and walked around to face both of us.

"Well Matthew, I know Lilth thinks that, but what do you feel for her?"

"Same thing, just friends" Matthew tells Pan. "But tell me Pan, what do you think of Lilth?"

For a few seconds, Pan was speechless. Then he lifted his hand and slapped Matthew square in the face.

"Are you questioning my authority?!" Pan yelled.

"Don't you touch him!" I yelled and punched Pan square in the jaw.

Pan flinched and then cradled his saw jaw.

"Boys!" he yelled, "I think its time for a game!"

The boys yelled and hollered. Matthew must have seen me flinched because he wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear. "It'll be fine"

I know we are a bit cozy even though we have only known each other for a few days but I trust him and care about him. He stuck up for me when Pan used me as his guinea pig so I guess this is Pan's revenge, a chance to punish him himself.

Felix grabbed Matthew and dragged him to a tree and Pan took me to the same place.

"This game is called 'pick the punishment'. I think the name explains it, you get to pick out of two punishments... but there is a twist, you are picking each others punishments, not your own!" Pan told us.

My heart was beating 5 times faster than usual. Pick the punishment, is he insane!

"Lilth, you first!"

I stepped forward and he looked me straight in the eye and smirked. Oh no!

"Lilth, these are your options for Matthew's punishments. Either he can spend 5 days in Neverland's dark jungle, alone with no food or water or he can be the lost boys person punching bag for a week. Whenever they need a stress reliever, you must be there so they can beat the crap out of you" Pan announced.

I looked at Matthew and his face showed pure shock. He coughed and scratched his stomach... with 2 fingers.

"Number 2" I announced bravely.

Pan nodded and moved on to me.

"Now Matthew, Lilth can either... Be a slave to the lost boys and I for 2 weeks or she can camp out with the mermaids for 3 days"

His eyes widened and he shook his head. "Number 1!" he yelled.

I shook my head in disbelief, he didn't even consult me!

"Okay then" Pan said, then grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the tree.

"For your first task, I want you to kiss one of the lost boys" he whispered in my ear, for no one else to hear. "It can't be Matthew and no one can know that I made you do it. Understand?"

I nodded and walked around nervously. Why would he want me to kiss someone? why do I kiss one the lost boys, which one? I suddenly turned around and collided with something. It was plump and soft... it was a pair of lips!

When the mystery guy decided to unlock his lips from mine, I gasped.




Can you guess who she kissed.

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