Chapter 25: A new riddle

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I don't usually do stuff like this but I thought that this chapter should have a song. The song for this chapter is...

'Dollhouse' by Melanie Martinez


Hook's POV

It has been ages since I had last seen Lilith. I still can't believe that she is working for Pan. Lilith is an angel and Pan is a bloody demon. What could she possibly gain from helping him?!

I still remember the look on her face when I told her I loved Emma. In fact, her expression is still burnt into my brain, clear as crystal. Her face held a mixture of betrayal, hurt, disappointment and the worst of all, an emotion I am quite familiar with...abandonment.

My father abandoned me, then went and had another child. I know abandonment all too well.

I never meant to hurt her. In fact, I never even meant to kiss Emma. I had always had a strong attraction to Emma, and yes, I was a natural flirt, but the kiss was honestly unplanned.


I had been with David all morning, trying to get him a cure for the dreamshade that one of the lost boys arrows hit him with. We had ventured up the hill and found the water to save his life.

I told David the consequences, that he couldn't leave Neverland ever again. He nodded and said it was a sacrifice worth taking.

After he had healed, we returned back to clearing where Regina, Mary-Margaret and Emma were setting up camp. When they asked where we'd been, David said that we went to go get some wood but was ambushed by some lost boys. He said that I pushed him out of the way and ultimately saved his life.

Me, being the pirate I am, always carry a flask of rum on me for occasions like this, or any moment in general, so David took the flask and toasted to me.

After that, everyone but me and Emma had gone to collect supplies and I followed Emma behind the bushes.

"Did you really save his life?" Emma asked.

I nodded. "Aye"

"Thank you" she said, showing her appreciation.

"And what about a token of your appreciation?" I asked, gesturing a finger to my lips jokingly.

She smirked. "Yeah, that's what the 'thank you' was for"

I smirked back. "Is that all your fathers life is worth to you?"

"Oh please, you couldn't handle it"

"Maybe it's you who couldn't handle it?" I taunted.

And then she kissed me!

It was mind blowing, captivating, extraordinary! She gripped my collar tight and smacked her lips onto mine.

Our lips moulded together like puzzle pieces and for a second, everything was gone. No David, no Pan, no nothing.

It was just us.

And that's when I knew it...

I loved Emma.


I can't say that kissing Emma was a mistake but leading Lilith on was. I shouldn't have told her I liked her and wanted to get to know her, or even tried to kiss her.

I know that Pan doesn't care for her, he's just using her. Pan is a bloody demon who uses people to his advantage and as much as I hate to admit it, Lilith is just a girl, she won't change that.

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