Chapter 1: Backstory

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Lilth's POV

My name is lilth and I am not your average girl. Sure, I like girly stuff like make-up, shopping, clothes and boys but I am much more then I appear to be.

When I was born, my mother abandoned me. She believed a lot in marriage before children and she broke that rule with me. After that, she saw me as a burden and left me on the street to fend for myself. At age 3, a couple of ladies from a nearby church took me in and raised me. A couple of years later, I found out that my family were very powerful sorceresses and they ended up teaching me magic.

I am a very powerful being so they never let me out of their site, they were always scared that someone would find me and take me away.

When I was old enough, I was allowed to go to a nearby school but they would wait at the school gates every afternoon to pick me up. When I reached high school, they finally had to send me away.

I went to live in Boston, where I lived in a small, but cosy apartment with my roommate Matt. he was a great guy and don't get me wrong, I have considered dating him, but I don't think that I am ready for a full-on relationship.

I didn't have a lot of friends but the ones I did would be loyal to the end. My best friend, Casey, was a great girl and we would always hang out at the mall or the park.

It is my 15th birthday today and I am really excited. Today was the first time in 2 years that I had gotten a message from my family.

I hopped on my computer straight away and read the email. It said, 'Happy birthday sweetie! we have a surprise for you so meet us at the church at 1:00pm. See you there :)'

I smiled and started typing. my reply said, 'Good! see you there'

I jumped in my VW bug and started to drive to new York. I ended up eating all my food supply on the trip there but what can I say? I am a hungry girl!

 I got out of the car and entered the church. it was more dusty than before but still the same features.

"Hello?" I yelled, "Is anyone there?"

My 'sister' Mia came out and greeted me.

"Lilth, your back!" she gushed, "I have missed you so much!"

Then she looked at her feet and sighed.

"Mum wants to see you" she said.

I panicked! What if she was mad, or upset, or angry that I hadn't called when I was in Boston.

I found mum sitting in the confessions booth. She gave me a look and I walked inside. I knew what this meant. I put my mouth up to the wall separating us and whispered.

"What is your confession?"



Authors note:

Just to clear up a few things:

-  Lilth was abandoned. Her family is just the group of ladies who raised her.

- Lilth has magic

- Lilth is 15 and has lived in Boston for 2 years. She is not dating Matt!!!!!!

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