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I sat at the bus stop in the middle of nowhere hoping a bus would come by. I still don't know where I am and Noah he's not doing so well. I past by a few houses and begged for help when some opened the door. Most of them looked out their windows and ignored me. The two people who actually opened their doors gave me water and things like that. But none of them let me use their phone. I tried giving the water to Noah but all he does it push it away. So I've had to force him to drink. I'd hold his mouth open by his cheeks and pour a little in and put a finger over his mouth with a finger so he'd have no choice but to swallow it.

His cough is worse than ever and I'm assuming it's been few days since I got out that basement. I'm starting to think leaving was a bad idea. At least I would've had a better chance of helping Noah there. He coughed roughly and I patted his back trying to help him out the best I can.

You know what's funny? Last night I was walking along the road trying to find a place to rest and the same truck those so called "security guards" hopped into drove right passed me. I even stood there for a second to see if they saw me and they didn't. So when I saw this bus stop I sat down and decided I wasn't gonna worry about them. They're the least of my worries.

Third person

"Jacques I know this is tough on you but you gotta get out this bed." Iman said sitting on the edge of the California king bed. Jacq laid there not even blinking. "We worried about you man." He said putting a caring hand on his shoulder.

"I can't. My son is missing and Neriah is gone too. Why should I get out of the damn bed?" Jacq was a mess. He hadn't left his room in days. He missed three games without telling anyone why and it's making NBA officials question his loyalty to the team.

"Because Adam silvers if threatening to put you out for the rest of the season and the starting five games of the next one. You have to at least be on the bench. Plus you look a mess and your room smells like old corn chips." Kevin said while opening a window. The whole team was there. The police officers still guarded his house in case someone tried to kidnap Jacq too. Hernandez wasn't going to let them in but she thought maybe seeing people he trusted would boost his spirits.

LeBron came around the bed so Jacq could see him. "I'm sure Riah wouldnt want your in the bed moping around. You got the best police oficers and detectives trying to find your family. And you're not making anything better by laying in here all day." LeBron looked at hours watch. "It's 11:39. You got till 12:15 to get ready and dressed for practice today. Or I'll drag you out my damn self." LeBron waked out the room and everyone followed.

Jacques sat up and watched them walk out.


Neriah is back!

Sorry for the wack beginning but I had to put something out for everybody who's been waiting. I will be updating another chapter soon so be on the look out for that!

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