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I will be unpublishing a few stories on August 25th so they can be edited and all that good stuff. The stories are: "The Bodyguard", "Make It Home Tonight", and "Home". If you are currently reading any of those stories finish them before the 25th.

Thank you.

-Abby ♡


"C'mon Zion." The new coach said. "I'm good." Jacq said leaning his elbows on his knees. "Cmon I know I'm not your old coach but you gotta give me a chance like everybody else has." Kenneth O'Neil was new to the coaching field. He's much younger and faster than the old coach but he lacked in experience.

"It's not that I ain't trynna give you a chance. You cool, but I'm gonna through some things right now and I aint feeling all this shit at the moment." Jacq had gotten ready for practice like LeBron asked him to buy when he got there he parked himself in one of the arena seats and watched them practice. The team tried to get him to at least do a couple of drills with them but he refused.

"I understand completely. I'll leave you alone, just jump in when you're ready." Kenneth turned around and walked away.

Jacq looked at his lock screen of Noah and Neriah just to see their faces. Even though he laid in bed all day he couldn't sleep knowing they were missing. He tried to tell himself that Neriah went on a vacation with Noah and that they'd be back soon. He kept telling himself that to keep himself from getting upset.

"Let's go out for lunch." Jacq looked up from his phone to see Adam silvers standing in front of him.

"I'm good."

"You don't have that privilege. Let's go." Adam said waving him down. "I can't go anywhere without telling Hernandez first." Jacq said standing up and walking over to him. "She and the rest of the cops protecting you will be there. C'mon before I lose my patience."

Jacq sighed and did what he said since Silvers held the keys to his career. They walked out the arena to the car that waited for them. Once fully in the backseat and a few cop cars following behind them they were off to the restaurant. The place was a two blocks away from the arena so it wasn't a long drive.

Once the car came to a complete stop the driver got out and opened the door for them.


"I'll get your drinks right out to you guys." The waitress said walking away.  It's real awkward sitting here with Adam Silvers. He's like the Don Corleone of the NBA. But I got some choice words for him, I'm hot off the fact he sent my baby out to Denver like that. I'm not trynna say he got something to do with her being missing or nothing, but I ain't gone sit with this man and not speak my mind.

"Why we out here?" I asked ready for this shit to be over.

"Because you're costing me a lot of money Mr. Zion. You're rookie of the year people come to the games to see you. When they find out you aren't going to be there they want refunds. Just last game I lost three million whole dollars because why?... You weren't there! People want to buy your merchandise at games. These people are willing to pay for autographs and wait three hours to meet you. These people are also your fans. You fuckin with my money!" He slammed his fist on the table making Hernandez stand up from a table a few feet away.

All the cops were in regular clothes trynna blend in I guess. Last thing I need is attention drawn this way and a bunch of fans rushing over. I put my hood up and looked around for any people watching.

"Here are your drinks. Call me over when your ready to order." The waitress said before walking away again.

I made sure she gone before opening my mouth. "Chill man. I get why you mad but I'm not gonna go into a game if I know my head isn't 110% in it. You want me there on the court with a clear conscious and my mind focused on the ball but it's kind of hard to do right now. Somone kidnapped my fuckin son out of my house while I was there. My mom is in jail for trying to break into my house. And my girl gets kidnapped in Denver- Which you set up! That's not cool man. She would be here with me if you weren't making dumb ass decisions like that."

Adam leaned against the table trynna get all in my face. "Need I remind you that you're not even supposed to be dating, seeing, or fucking any other NBA employee?"

"Yeah I know that. You fine me five bands everytime we get spotted out somewhere- wait a fuckin minute." I leaned back in my chair so I wouldn't slap shit out this old ass nigga. "You sent my girl out there because we dating?"

"That's correct. It's my rules and you and Neriah kept breaking them so I made arrangements to have the problem fixed."

"You a real fucked up on some real shit." All i could do is keep my hands to myself. The last thing I need is for paparazzi to pop out while I'm fuckin him up. And I definitely don't need this nigga to fire me.

"What I did was harsh I know. But I don't know nothing about Neriah being missing. You gotta whole team of cops trynna help you and you need to stop stressing out and get back on the fuckin court for this next game. You don't have to play but you better be suited up and sitting in the side lines. If not, I'm suspending you for the rest of the fuckin season and maybe even the next or maybe I'll fire you." He stood up and pushed his glasses higher on his face.

"Do I make myself clear?"


"Good. I will see you in Boston." He picked up his glass and walked away.

I took a deep breath and wiped a hand down my face so I wouldn't run up on him and beat his ass. I don't know why but I feel like that nigga know some shit and just not telling me. If I find out that his bald headed ass sat in front of me and didn't tell me shit, I'm gonna do some shit I wish I hadn't.

"C'mon lets get you back to practice." Hernandez said coming up to me. I nodded and downed my drink before putting some money on the table and following her out.


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