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Third person

Jacq ran down the hallway ignoring the nurse at the front desk. She had claimed Neriah had to many visitors in one room but made the mistake of telling him what room they were in first.

As she watched him get on the elevator with Mira she picked up her desk phone to call security.

He went on every floor until he found the room 00519. Mira double checked the room numbers on the tenth floor as Jacq quickly passed some rooms without looking.

"J the 500 rooms are down this hall." 

He ran to where she was pointing and walked through the hall carefully trying not to miss a number until he spotted the room. He opened the door and heard something fall.

"What the hell?" Kevin's voice said from the other side.

"It's me Jacq." Kevin dusted himself off the floor and opened the door. Jacques rushed in and spotted Riah on the bed. He rushed to her and she jumped up into his arms.

"I'm glad you're okay." He said as he hugged her tighter. She grabbed his face and kissed his lips repeatedly. "I missed you so much." He placed her back on the floor and Kyrie brought Noah to him and Jacq instantly snatch him in his arms.


I was about to walk back into the room but I heard all these voices.

"I missed you guys so much." I pressed my ear to the door and listened to what was being said. "Are you okay buddy?"

That sounds like Jacq.

I can't go in there now, I'll blow this whole plan to pieces. I got an saline bag for Neriah with a couple drops of rat poison I found in the janitors closet. It's not enough to kill her but Will wants me to give her a scare, let her know he's watching.

Mallory is paying me a good amount of money for helping her out. She's in a lot of trouble with Will for letting Neriah's slippery ass escape and she's using me to fix things. I also need helping getting Noah back. Will might get out in a year or two since Neriah failed to show up to court so the charges might be dropped. I'm not completely sure what's going on with that shit, don't take my word for it.

But what I do know is that I need to get Noah back so he can be with his father and I when he gets out. Jacq has taken care of my son long enough, he's raised him through the tough stages and now I'm stepping in. He can find out that Noah isn't his later but that's number one on my top priorities list.

I was about to listen in on the conversation somemore but the door opened. I quickly raised my hand like I was about to knock.

"I'm sorry I was about to see if I can come in. But I'll come back when the patients don't have company, I don't want to interrupt." I said in a lighter voice than my own as I spoke to the tall white guy that's on Jacq's team.

"No, you're fine. We were just leaving to give them some space." He stepped out the room and so did the rest of the team. They gave me various versions of hellos as they walked past.

I pushed the glasses on higher on my nose and combed the long bangs with my fingers so they hide my face better.

Here goes nothing.

I grabbed the cart and pushed open the cracked door with my back as I entered the room.

"Ms. Calvin I didn't know you had company." I said getting into character.

"Yes this my boyfriend Jacques. Jacq this is my nurse uh- what's your name again?"

I pushed out a fake laugh. "My name is MacKenzie. I would shake your hand but I've got to stay sterile. My boyfriend is a huge fan of yours." Jacq gave me a quick smile and put his attention back on Noah.

"Nice to meet you." He said holding him in the air.

"I'll make this quick so I can get out of your hair. I'm just here to switch out your IV's. I see your bag is empty. We've got to keep you hydrated so you can get out of here." I unhooked the now empty saline bag and disconnected it from from the IV cord attached to her wrists. I put the empty bag on the cart and grabbed the new one. I did everything step by step as the google instructions told me and hooked it gently on the metal stand.

I looked from the corner of my eye to see them acting like a happy little family. I'm about to break that shit up.

"You're all set."

"Thank you." Neriah said with a smile.

"No problem. I'll be back in a hour or two so I can take your little boy down for a few more tests to make sure he's doing better. Okay?"

"That's fine. Thank you again."

I took the cart and walked out of there quickly. I pushed the cart down the hall and back into the storage closet and texted Mallory.

To Mal: all done Noah is next


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