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Third Person

"You must be playing stupid or crazy or something." Adam Silvers sat across from Jacq in a small conference room of the rehabilitation facility. "You are Rookie of the year on a 23 million dollar contract. But yet you chose to be rebellious and not follow my orders. I tell you to do something you do it or I'll shred your contract, and leave you like fuckin fart in the wind like you never meant shit to me. You was fuckin with my money then but now you fuckin with yours. Even though we don't do players like the NFL, you get paid regardless if you play or not. But regardless of that rule you NEED to play. You're making me big bucks."

Jacq looked at his lap feeling unbothered as his medication started to kick in from the IV. The head nurse checked the fluids bag before leaving the room to give them privacy but made sure to watch him from the viewing window. No matter how touching Jacques' speech was she still called Silvers, she wasn't going to take disrespect from any patient even if they are famous.

"You telling the head nurse here to suck ya dick? You go to bed when you want to? You refuse to take your meds orally so they gotta keep you strapped up to this damn IV since you can't be trusted? You doing to much rookie!" Adam took his handkerchief from the inside of his suit jacket and wiped his sweating forehead. "God you're making me sweat from all this stress. You need to give me a good reason why I shouldn't suspend you or do what I wanna do is fire you?"

Jacq didn't give a fuck about the conversation at hand all he wanted to do was get back in his bed.

He shrugged. "You hired me. You, picked me, out of all these niggas in the draft, you picked me as number fuckin 1." He held his index finger up. "You picked me number one in the 2015 NBA draft. It's 2016 and you haven't complained about me yet. You knew I had problems when I stepped on that fuckin stage and you put that Cavs hat on my head and shook my hand for that corny ass picture. When I met with you to sign some paper work over my disorder what did I ask you?"

"You asked me 'am I ready for a Rollercoaster ride'?"

"And you told me 'yes' with every ounce of confidence you had. For this past year on this team this is my first known incident. There were minor things like missing pills and other shit that I felt didn't concern you. I've proven that I'm more than capable of handling my bipolar disorder. I have since I was seven years old taking care of my grown ass mama. I run my black ass up and down a court for you and haven't missed a single game since I was drafted. I'm your meal ticket Mr. Silvers. You fire me and you'll lose money. But guaran-fuckin-tee I'll be back on a better team, maybe it won't be better. But once my ass put that jersey on, I'll make that team my bitch and make it better."

Jacq looked at Adam knowing he had won this argument. "You had a losing streak and a big drop in your revenue. I came on the scene young, ambitious, full of energy, ready for anything, and then life happens."

Jacq sat up and scooted his chair closer to the table.

"My mom is a pill head, who stills shit from her son to sell for money; with no regard as to how that will affect him. The woman of my dreams and the light of my world... Missing." Tears started welling in his eyes till they fell down his face. "I'll sit in practice and come sit with my team at the games. But if for a hair of a fuckin second, if you think, I'm putting a fuckin toe on the court you must be stupid or crazy. I'm not doing shit 'til someone finds out some shit. You put these lazy ass, wack ass, rent-a-cop, bullshit ass detectives on the shit and it's been almost a month since they been missing; and no one has anything. And you think I'm fuckin with your money now? If I don't come to the finals -- Which! Is one of the most watched events of the year, you'll lose more money than you ever have Mr. Silvers. So I suggest to you if you're not stupid or crazy you'll find my family or at least something that can help me sleep at night... If not you won't have to worry about firing me."

He stood up and grabbed his IV stand. "And that nurse she still can suck my damn dick and the next fart out my ass. Ol stuck up ass bitch." The nurse looked at him through the glass and bald up her lips in Anger. Jacq walked out the room and down the hall to his room. "And nurse. Don't try to put rat poisoning in my IV or some shit. I got something for your ass if you try something." She stomped her foot in anger and tried not to lose her cool.

Adam Silvers sat in the conference room thinking about what Jacq said. If anybody else would have talked to him that way they'd been fired, but what he was saying was true. He needed Jacques no matter how much of an asshole he is.

He pulled out his phone and dialed his assistant.

"Kyle would you call Officer Hernandez and tell her she and I need to talk."


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