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The rehab facility saw the commotion outside and called the police. It took no time for everyone to scatter back to their cars and leave as soon as the police red and blue lights flashed in their direction.  After getting everything sorted out the police officers who arrived were huge fans of Jacques' and offered to escort them personally to the airport. Jacques bit at his nails in nervousness as the trip there seemed to get longer and longer.

He looked over at Mira and couldn't understand how she could be so calm in a time like this. His mind was already thinking the worst of the worst as the police led their driver's car in front of the air port. He jumped out the car ignoring all the screams that came from fans who recognized him.

He helped Mira out and thanked the driver and the officers before dragging her to the nearest open desk. "Hello ma'am." He said jittery with angst. "Hi how may I help you?" She asked giving him a smile. "When is your next flight out to Texas?" She typed on her computer. "It says here... That the next flight to Houston is in ten minutes and counting down. It's last minute flight so the cost is $482 a person, it's a none stop flight, three hours, straight there."

"Okay that's fine. I need two." He pulled his wallet out quickly and yanked his debit card from it's slot. "I need some form of ID first." He handed her his drivers license and Mira handed her over her state ID. "Form of payment?" Jacq knew all this was running the clock down. "Debt."

"Place your card in the chip Reader." Jacq stuck his card in and read everything and selecting his answers. "Please put your signature on the line." He used his finger instead of the pin to sign the screen. He waited a few seconds before the word approved popped up bold on the screen.

She gave them their ID's back and he took his card from the scanner and stuffed everything in his pocket. Jacq tapped his foot getting inpatient as the lady waited for the tickets to print. "Here you are, you need to be at gate 3-9TX in five minutes. Have a good day. Next!"

Jacq took off running, luckily Mira was in good health but Lord knows she was going to feel it in the morning. Jacques had been to this airport multiple times and knew the gate was on the farthest side of the building.

It was like they couldn't run fast enough, people either stood in their way to busy on their phone to see someone coming, or were trying to get a picture of him as he ran through.

"Move get out my way." He said shoulder checking and eager fan knocking her to the ground. If that didn't get caught on camera and put on every blog then he'd think it was a miracle from God. He already knew that the media was going to make him out to be some crazy person since they caught him coming out the rehabilitation center. He didn't have time to stop and apologize. The gate was right in front of them and a flight attended was about to close the door.

"WAIT!" He shouted holding up his ticket. She opened the door again and stood at the podium. "Are we to late?" He asked more out of breath than he'd ever been before. "Almost, thirty more seconds you'd be S.O.L. Lucky for you this plane doesn't move until I give the say so." She checked their ID's and tickets to see if they matched before letting them through the tunnel.

"God bless you." Mira said to her as they walked through the tunnel that connected the building to the plane.

"Oh my God Jacques Zion is on our plane!" Jacq ignored the fangirling from everyone on board. He gave mediocre waves and smiles to those who were taking pictures as he looked at his ticket and then back to the numbers on the tops of the seats. Mira found her seat at the end of an aisle and tried to catch her breath.

Jacq traveled to the very back and looked at the number on the seat that sat between two people with Cavs jerseys on.


"Oh my God bro he's about to sit between us." One guy whispered to the other one. "Listen fellas, I've had one hell of a day and I would like nothing more than to take a nap at the moment. But we can talk all you want and take as many pictures as you like later. I promise."

"You got it man. Anything you want?"

"Can I have the window seat?"

"Of course."

The guy by the window moved over to my seat and I took his. I looked at my phone to see it was time to take my pills. I patted my pockets and realized I didn't have any and with all that going on at the rehab I forgot to ask for them before I left. I should be cool for the rest of the day.

But what about tomorrow?


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