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I looked around as people looked at me. I was probably looking crazy as hell to them. No shoes, dirty, no pants on and a t-shirt thats barely covers anything. I had to take that pissy onsie off Noah and used my pants to keep him warm. I wasn't about to leave him naked so he could freeze to death.

"You okay Ma'am?" A man asked me with a look of concern. "No, I need to call my boyfriend. Do you have some water?" People were starting to crowd around us and I started getting nervous. They were mumbling and pointing at me. "Ma'am you're dehydrated, come with me." Another person said from beside him. He took my hand and I hesitantly followed.


"I don't need the meds and I don't need to be here." I told the nurse as she came into my room. "Just give me the release papers and I'll be fine."

"Mr. Zion. I could do what you're asking but that won't change the fact that you have to be here for three days minimum. You haven't even been here for a full day yet. If you resist the meds then Dr. McDaniels is ordered to add another day to your stay here."

I rolled my eyes.

"If I were you I'd take these pills so I could leave." She held up a small plastic cup with two pills in it and placed it on the table. "Would you like me to bring you some water?" I picked the cup up and threw the pills back and swallowed them dry. "Very good. Keep that up and in two days you can go." She walked away and went to another person.

They got me at this dumb ass recovery home. There's nothing but crazy people here. It's a place for drug addicts and people who can't follow the doctor's directions like me. You can walk around all over building except for the red door areas where the real nuts are, I just can't go outside unless escorted out by a nurse. And even theres a ten foot tall iron gate around the place.

I used to get put here all the time when I was a kid when I didn't want to take my meds. They'd take my mom too and put us in the same room with each other since there would be no one to take care of her at home. You know how she was when we lived together? Imagine that in a twelve by thirteen room with only a small closet of a bathroom to hide in.

I hate coming here they keep you on a IV for twenty hours a day with eyes on you at all times. It's really annoying. And they keep everything you do on record. I tried to run away from here once when I was twelve and they kept one wrist strapped to the bed so I can't get out my room. So every time that they kept me strapped in, even now.

"Lights out in one hour. I repeat lights out in one hour." A voice over the intercom said.

"What the hell for? It's only eight o'clock?" This woman in the snack line said. "You know they put us in early now. That's a new rule." I got up from the table and headed down a hall towards my room. I say when I'm going to bed I'm not no kid.

"Where you going?" This bitch is up my ass every trip, she runs this place and I swear she's been working here since I was a kid. "To bed. What it look like? I don't need someone to tuck me in like everyone else." She started following me. "You know you only can go to bed when you're told. And we told you in a hour." I opened my room door and ignored her. "You're no stranger to my rules. Don't think I wouldn't forget you of all people. How long has it been since you been here? What like three years?"

I rolled over to my bed and sat down to take my house shoes off.

"Ignoring me are you?"

"Annoying me are you? I'm not a rookie to this shit. You say eat, I eat. You say it's time for your meds, I take them. You say bed time in a hour, I'll go now because I feel like it. And it's been four years if you must know." I pulled the covers back and got under them.

"Get up! Not for another hour."

I turned on my back so it was facing her. "Suck my dick. I only got three days and I'm out. Get off my back,  damn." I felt the covers get ripped off me and a hand gripped my sweatshirt.

"Get up before I tell your doctor you need a year here and you're boss will have to fire you. So I suppose you get, up, now!" She yelled in my face. "I'll tell him myself. You got a phone on you, so you don't have to make a trip back to your office?" I held my hand out and liked at the phone on her hip.

"You're really pushing my nerves."

"Look.." I sat up. "I'm going to stay in this bed till it's time for me to go. I'll take those meds and I won't cause any problems."

"Why on earth would you wanna stay in here?"

"Because. My son and my girlfriend are missing. What desire do I have to be sitting around a bunch of people who want to ask me about basketball all day? You know what I'd rather be doing than be here? Finding my family. I see you have a wedding ring. You got kids and a husband?"

She nodded. "Yeah, six kids."

"Okay imagine someone snuck into your kids windows while you were downstairs fixing dinner, and someone just snatches them away right under your nose. And then the next day you find out while your husband was out of town that someone kidnaps him. They've been gone for weeks and the police have nothing. There's no evidence except for a hotel bags and a broken in window. And the person who might have done it might be after you so you can't help them out. So what would you do?" I laid back on my side. I looked over my shoulder and she was still looking at me. "You still standing here? You can leave now. And tell Adam I said hi."

Just a quick update.


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