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Quick update.


I closed the hospital door and smiled to myself. That stupid bitch didn't even recognize me, I guess a wig can change a face. I left out the hospital room and kept my head down as I past by other nurses on floor all the way till I found a supply closet. I put a cart in the way so no one could get it before pulling my phone out the shirt pocket of these scrubs and made a call to Malory.


"Put ya shoes on. We getting you out of this place." Mira said walking into the room. "How'd you get him to sign the papers?" The nurse finished the bandage on my hand and left the room. "Don't worry about it. Just know you're free to go."

"Well I don't have anything to pack. They took my phone and all that at the front desk when I got here." I stood up from the bed. "Okay let's go get your stuff. We got to go to the airport and see when we can get the next flight to Texas." I lead us out the room and took the elevator down stairs to the front desk to get my stuff back.

After requesting my belongings the lady at the window handed me a ziplock back with my name on it. Just my phone, wallet, and jewelry were inside.

"Where my clothes at?"

The woman on the other side of the glass window looked at me over her glasses. "We donated them. If you are scheduled to be here for more than six month then we donate your clothes. You had wracked up so much 'extended stay time' in just one week that we must went ahead and sent them to the place we donated them. They were very excited when we told them who the clothes came from. Just think about it as you're doing a good deed. Now sign the bottom of your release for and the sign out on your stuff." She slid the clipboard through the small cut out at the bottom of the glass. I signed all the dotted lines and gave it back to her. "Thank you. You are free to go." She said while walking away from the window.

"Let's go Jacq." Mira said patting my back.


I can't leave out of here in this sweat suit. It's got the damn nut house logo all big ass hell on the chest. I don't want people to know where I've been. I tried to cover it up by folding my arms as we walked outside. But to my surprise walking out of here would be more difficult than I thought.

"Jacques Zion why have you been kept here at this facility? Isn't this place for the mentally ill?"

"Is it true that you're responsible for the kidnap of both your son and your girlfriend, Neriah Calvin?"

"We heard your mom tried to break into your house a couple days after your family went missing. Does she have something to do with Neriah Calvin's disappearance?"

"Are you sure Neriah didn't run off on you because she found out about your issues?"

"Does this have anything to do with William Cox aka Ester Graten?"

"Are you going to be kicked off the Cavaliers?

I took everything in me not to respond to the reporters comments and questions. Who the hell even told them I was here? Mira held my arm so we wouldn't get separated in the crowd. It has to be at least twenty different news trucks, even fuckin TMZ is here! Those people always twisting a damn story up to make it deeper than what actually happened. And I'm not about to say anything to give these niggas something to talk about. All I need is to get to my son and my girl and not to be worried about what twisted up story the media had created about me.

"My driver is right here." Mira said pointing to the cherry red Lincoln parked not to far from the building.

"Mr. Zion answer some of our questions."

I looked over my shoulder to see all these people following behind us. "You get in first." Mira said opening the door for me. I slid in and she got in next to me quickly. They started to crowd around the car, it's like more and more people are showing up.

"I can't move with all these people around me." The driver said panicking. I looked out the back window to see camera's taking a bunch of pictures. I locked my door and reached over and hit Mira's.

"Are they always like this?" She asked hiding her face from the flashing lights. I nodded. "Yeah pretty much." I'll never get to the airport if they keep crowding the car like this.


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