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Another short chapter. 

Third person

"Please sign those release papers. I'll do anything." Jacq paced the small room trying to convince Adam to release him. "I can't do that." The room was silent for a second. Jacq turned to him with red eyes. "They found my family and you won't let me out?! What are you getting out of this? Huh? You ain't shit." Adam crossed one leg over the other and watched Jacques walk a hole in the floor.

"Why should I? Your speech the other day moved me, trust me it did. But I have to extend your stay here for what you've done. You can't cuss me out and tell the nurses to suck your dick. That's unacceptable."

"C'mon man you know you wrong for this. Don't do this because you got your feelings hurt." LeBron said leaning in the door way. "I'm sorry but he should've just followed the rules and he could've went home two days ago." Jacq balled his fist up and punched the wall. "Chill man, chill." Khyree ran in the room and pulled him from the wall. "Sit down man before they put you in here for good." Jacq sat on the bed and put his face in his hands as his emotions got the best of him. Lebron got some paper towels from the bathroom and handed them to Jacq as blood ran down his hand.

It was silent for a second till Kevin got an idea. "You know what? How about we go down there ourselves?" He suggested.

"Hey, That doesn't sound like bad idea." Iman chimed in with a smirk. "Hell no. You can't do that. You have a game in a few days." Adam stood up becoming increasingly angry by what he was hearing. "It's to late I'm calling the pilot of the team jet to tell him to get ready." Lebron put his phone to his ear and walked down the hall. 

"We gone get Riah back to you man." Khyree whispered to Jacq before standing up and walking away. "We'll be back before the game. Don't worry." He patted Adam on the back before leaving the room and closing the door. Jacq looked up from his hands and walked over to Adam.

"You not leaving out of here till you sign these release papers." Jacq dragged a chair to the door and sat down.

Unknown POV

"I have a confession to make."

"You came all the way out here to tell me something?" He nodded. "Go ahead then." I leaned back in my seat and waited for him to speak. "Don't just sit there. You came out from California to tell me something important. Don't let the cat get your tongue now."

He looked down at his lap.

"Well you know that night when we buried that girl?" I say back up. "What about her?" He kept quite. I hit the table making him jump. "What about her dammit?!"

"I felt really bad about it. I did. My father works for Santana and all that but I'm not a bad guy like them. When my dad told me to come out here to help you out and when he told me what you were gonna do I couldn't stomach it. I only did it because you were paying me big bucks and I thought the money could ease my conscious. After we put her in and left I tried the whole night to sleep but I couldn't. So I waited a few hours and went back to the spot and I dug her up and let her out. I didn't take her out the hole I just didn't want her to die. I brought her food and clean clothes and kept her safe from the animals out there. I did that for a little over a week. But I thought for helping her out she'd help me out. You know what I'm sayin?"

I wanted to yank his face off and beat his ass but I'll let him get all this out first.

"Yes I understand." I put on a smile to show him I'm not a threat but my blood is boiling on the inside.

"She fought me off at first but she was to weak. I took advantage of her and half way through I started to feel guilty. I stopped and put her back in the box kicking and screaming and buried her again. But like before I tried to sleep but I couldn't knowing she was alive. I went again and was going to just kill her myself but I saw you dump that guy out there and I watched from a distance. He dug her up, I watched him. I wanted to tell you then but I knew you'd kill me for what I've done. But I can't live with myself knowing I did all that but didn't tell somebody what I did. I thought the best person would be you considering that I didn't follow your orders. I'm sorry Will. I'm really sorry."

I could feel my eye twitch uncontrollably. Before I knew it I was throwing his ass all over the visitation room. He was begging me to stop but rage had rip me from reality. He's a fuckin trader. I don't care who his is father is. His son is a fuckin bitch who can't take a little heat. I don't keep pussies on my team. He has to go.

"Tase his ass." I turned around to be met with 50,000 volts to the chest. That didn't stop me. I grabbed Louise by his neck and slammed him head first on the floor. I ripped the cords from my chest and charge at the guards.


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