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"Try to take deep breaths sweety." Neriah sat on the edge of the hospital bed with an oxygen mask placed to her face.

"Her heart rate is up. We need to her her calmed down."

Jacq and Mira paced around the hallway trying to listen to all the commotion going on in the room. Nurses ran around the room trying to clean up the pool of vomit that laid at her feet.

"She'll be okay." Mira said to her self as she sat down on the small bench across from the room. "She'll be fine." Jacq put his shaking hands on the top of his head with a million thoughts racing his mind. "Sit down for me, eh? You'll walk a hole in the floor." Mira pulled him down next to her and rubbed his back. "She'll be fine, just fine."


Jackie crept down the hall of the children's wing of the hospital. She followed behind the red head with black framed glasses like Riah had described to her.

The strange woman looked right and left before opening the doors to the supply closet.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" The lady turned around and gave a surprised smile.

"Hey there, can I help you with something?" The stranger asked.

Jackie looked at the crib to see Noah biting at his feet, perfectly fine. She let out a breath of relief. "Oh nothing the mother of this baby needs to breast feed. She's a little full if you know what I mean. That's Noah right?"

The mysterious red head looked at the child with a nervous giggle. "Oh know this is uh, this is little baby Bre- Ben- Brandon! Yeah yeah Brandon, that's it. I'm just uh... I'm just taking him back to the nursery."

"But that's the supply closet."

"Oops I'm so stupid, It's been a long day, I've been opening door wrong lately."

Jackie stepped closer. "You wouldn't mind if I check his little ankle bracelet there, would you? I'm sure this is the baby I need."

The stranger pulled the cart back. "I wouldn't want you to bother him. I'm about to give him his bottle so he can go down for his nap." She held up the small bottle with a smile.

"The moms feed the babies before naps. We don't have to do that unless we have too." Jackie stepped much closer. "How about you give me the baby and the bottle, so I can give him back to his mommy." Jackie got closer to them and the woman started to back away with the crib.

"Hey Jackie what's going on? Why is this baby out here like this and not in a transport crib?" Another nurse from the floor said as they came around the corner. "And who are you? I don't think we've met before." The strange woman gave a shy wave. "I'm MacKenzie. I just started a few days ago, that's probably why."

Jackie took this as a moment to strike.

"And you're new so that's why you didn't know not to take our handsome little guy out the room before feeding time." Jackie said as she picked Noah out the crib quickly but gently.

MacKenzie gave out an uneasy laugh. "I'm sorry about that. I'll remember that next time. But the mother told me to bring him here to be fed."

"To the supply closet?" The other nurse asked. "If you're new why don't you have pink scrubs on? All the new girls do." Jackie slowly started to back up. "Let me get your badge number."

"Why? I just told you my name."

She squinted her eyes. "If you're new I'm Cassidy, the head of this floor, so you do as I say. And if you were at orientation we definitely would know that." The suspicions were growing high as Cassidy tried to remember this "new girl" from the bunch og nurses that just started. The name Makenzie wasn't ringing any bells and would've remembered someone who shared the name as her daughter.

"I hardly paid attention during that thing- can I please just have that baby? I need to get him to the nursery." MacKenzie started to walk closer.

Cassidy grabbed the walky from her hip as an uneasy feeling poked at her stomach. "Security to the children's wing, we have a suspicious visitor by the nursery. Light green scrubs, short red hair, brown skin, fem-"

MacKenzie tackled her to the floor with a low growl. Jackie took off full speed with Noah in her arms. "Get back here!" She didn't stop.

Security rushed up the emergency stairs at the end of the hallway to see the two running before them. Luckily they had been in the break room on the floor below them so getting up there was no problem.

"Help!" Jackie yelled.

Unique saw the security running towards her and noticed an elevator door opening. She ran inside, pushing the passengers off before pressing the button to close the door repeatedly. "C'mon! C'mon!" She pushed the metal doors with her hands trying to speed up the closing process.


The doors closed and she immediately pushed the button for the parking garage. She pulled out her phone and searched her contacts quickly.

"Malika get the car ready!... I couldn't get the baby... I'll tell you later- just meet me at the corner by the coffee place!" The doors opened and she slid through the small opening leading her to the concrete jungle. "Fuck where am I?" She turned around looking for the way out.

"THERE SHE IS?" Security busted through the stairwell doors. They started coming at her from both sides. Unique looked down and made the quick decision to hop over the side of the concrete to the floor below.

With the sound of a crack, twist, the snap she let out a painful scream. Security looked over the side as she held her leg in pain.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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